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asktheemotions · 7 months ago
PART 4 of: What would've happened If the other emotions didn't forgive Anxiety? (Last part for this ask)
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Bet you wish I didn't give up on coloring for that one page, you know which one I'm talking about. maybe I'll color that single page later for fun. Or, maybe If enough people want to, I’ll let you guys color them in your own style. Please comment, I really enjoy reading what you think of my art. I read every single one and try to respond to all aswell. Plus I enjoy hearing how much pain yall are in for reading what I made, lol.
I hope this is explains why the other characters were written a bit out of character. It’s because it’s a nightmare. It’s not real. The only character that is real in this is Anxiety. The others are a figment of her worst worrys.
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pathologicalreid · 9 months ago
Hii I am making a Spencer Reid x citizen! F reader. They have been dating for a really long time but for a while reader has been dealing with a stalker, suddenly the stalker becomes much more violent and maybe even kidnaps her if we want to get real cray cray. Just lots of protective reid and angst to comfort!!
don't lose your head | S.R.
a stalker uses your work as a tudor history professor to follow your every move, so you go to the only place you can think of for help - the BAU
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: angst content warnings: professor!reader, fiance!spencer, erotomaniac stalker, lots of tudor history facts, kidnapping, decapitation, happy ending, s11 (post-maeve), guns, death, spencer feels a lot of guilt, unhelpful police, exhaustion, nausea, dry heaving word count: 3.71k a/n: yall if i wanted to make this into a series would you read it 😭 i had so much fun writing this!!! and yes the title is a reference to six! thank you sooo much for requesting!!
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You told Spencer after the fourth note. While the first two had been near your office door – harmless enough to have been brushed off as a student prank, the third note had been left on your desk. When someone had gotten into your locked office to leave you an intense love letter, you knew you were out of your depth.
After years of hearing stories about the BAU needing to battle the chain of command, you thought the best thing to do was to first go to the campus police. You were a professor, so the natural assumption was that they’d look into it.
They didn’t even take a report. No one listened to you.
From the campus police, you went into the city police, then the county, and by the time you marched into DC Metro, you hadn’t slept in a day. Spencer was in Utah on a case, and you didn’t have anywhere else to go. Once DC Metro told you there was nothing they could do without an open investigation or further evidence, you went back to your apartment.
The fourth note was there waiting for you, covering the camera that you kept on your front door.
Since you had the first three notes already in your bag, you plucked the newest one from where it was stationed on the front door and stuffed it in with the others before making the trip down to Quantico.
You had no idea when the team would be back, but the security guards at the front desk recognized you from the times you’d come to pick Spencer up or bring him lunch and they let you up anyway.
There were no notifications on your phone from Spencer letting you know that they were flying home, but the only place you felt safe was in their headquarters. The idea of going to see Penelope crossed your mind, but as a profiler-adjacent, she’d likely see right through you. You never dropped by, especially not when Spencer was away.
Settling yourself at his desk, you pulled an empty manila folder from a drawer, placed the notes neatly inside, and left it on Spencer’s desk before sitting in his chair and waiting for something to happen.
“Hey, Reid,” you heard a familiar voice from behind you. Slowly, you spun the chair around and looked at the team as they filtered in the glass doors.
Confused, Spencer tilted his head at you, clearly wondering why you were staking out the bullpen as he approached you. As he got closer, he observed the bags under your eyes, bloodshot from your lack of sleep over the last few days, “What’s wrong?”
Chewing on the inside of your lip, you clutched the folder like your life depended on it – for all you knew, it did. Your eyes followed Spencer as he knelt in front of you, accepting the folder when you handed it to him, “I think I’m in trouble,” you whispered, voice raspy from lack of use.
Your fiancé flipped through the pages, reading each of them a few times while you garnered attention from other members of the BAU. Tara, Derek, and JJ all crowded around Spencer’s desk, curious on your surprise appearance.
“I…” you faltered as you tried to explain what felt inexplicable. “The first one was folded over the doorknob of my office, the second one was slid beneath the door to my office, the third one was left on my desk, and the fourth one,” you glanced nervously at Spencer, “it was on the apartment door.”
Spencer’s eyebrows furrowed, “apartment door? Our apartment door?” As he questioned you, he stood up, leaving you with four federal agents staring down at you.
Despondently, you nodded, steepling your fingers in your lap and letting your shoulders droop.
“I’ll go get Hotch,” JJ said, nodding at everyone else to confirm her intentions before turning around, making her way up the steps to Hotch’s office.
From there, you ended up in the roundtable room. Tara had personally brought the letters for the lab to be checked for prints, and the techs had sent Garcia scans that were now projected on the screen. Each member of the team had them up on tablets, but you and Spencer knew the words by heart.
Shaking her head, Tara looked up at everyone, “I mean, who writes like this anymore? ‘But if you please to do the office of a true loyal mistress and friend, and to give yourself up body and heart to me, who will be, and have been, your most loyal servant,” she shrugged, continuing to look over the letters.
“They’re love letters,” you explained, tugging the sleeves of your sweatshirt over your palms before crossing your arms in front of your stomach. “The words aren’t original, they’re all passages from the love letters of Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn.”
Pointing to something on her screen, JJ frowned, “And what does his greeting mean? He always starts with ‘my rose without a thorn’.”
Nodding dejectedly, you focused your eyes on the now-empty manila folder on the table in front of you. “That was what Henry VIII called Catherine Howard, she was his youngest wife. It’s widely accepted among scholars that she was around seventeen when they got married, but others say she could’ve been as young as fifteen,” you answered, wondering if more details would help the investigation.
“So, we have Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, which wives were those?” Rossi asked, looking around the table for someone who knew the answer.
In the middle of scrawling something on an evidence board, Spencer answered quickly, “Two and five.”
Folding your hands in your lap, you scoured your memory for anything that could be helpful. When Hotch asked if those numbers meant everything to you, you just shook your head. “Is there any significance to the two wives he chose being Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard?”
Your lips parted in surprise as the blood drained from your face, “They were the two wives who were beheaded.”
An eerie silence fell over the room, interrupted only by a chime from Penelope’s laptop, her shoulders slumped forward in abject disappointment, “The lab didn’t find anything on the letters. No prints, no hair… nothing, but uh…” her voice trailed off as she looked up at Hotch, it was almost like she was seeking permission.
Each member of the BAU looked at each other with the same concerned expression on their faces. “What do you all know that I don’t?”
“Two bodies turned up last week in the greater DC area,” Morgan was the brave soul who spoke up, “they were both missing their heads, and they were both college professors.”
Goosebumps spread over your entire body, a chill of fear causing the tip of your nose to feel cold, “Oh, I…” you fumbled over your words, standing up from your chair and rushing to leave the roundtable, nearly throwing yourself out of the bullpen on your way to the women’s restroom.
Entering one of the stalls, you haphazardly gathered your hair at the back of your head and you dry heaved into the toilet. You dropped to your knees as nothing came out.
A knock at the door barely garnered your attention, you didn’t even bother responding as Spencer was already entering the stall, “Oh, honey.”
That was it, you sat back on your heels as tears welled in your eyes, looking up at Spencer as he sat down next to you. Immediately, you turned your body to face him and leaned forward.
Welcomingly, Spencer grabbed you, firmly wrapping his arms around your torso as he pulled you into his lap, “I have you. I’m right here.” His voice was gentle, no more than a whisper as he kept a firm pressure around your body, “You’re safe with me,” he reassured you, using one hand to keep you upright and the other to rub your back as you cried.
Your face was buried in the crook of his neck as you wept, the sensation of fear ran through your body like electricity, and you felt content for the first time in days in the safety of Spencer’s arms. “I- I just teach. I’m n- not built for this,” you cried, words slightly muffled by his shoulder.
You were a history professor, teaching a course on the six wives of Henry VIII, this was never even in the realm of things you considered when putting together your syllabus.
Taking a shaky breath, you pulled away from Spencer, and he reached behind you for a wad of toilet paper to dry your face. “Spence,” you said, though it came out as more of a whimper.
“When’s the last time you slept?” He asked, cupping both of your cheeks in his hands while he studied your exhausted expression.
Shrugging, you shuffled off of him, dropping the wad of toilet paper in the bowl and flushing it, “A day? Two?” You weren’t entirely sure what day it currently was, the events of the last few had caused everything to sort of blend together.
Spencer nodded in understanding, “Okay,” he responded, slipping his phone out of his pocket before typing something out, “Why don’t you go lie down in Morgan’s office for a little while? He won’t mind.”
You blinked a few final tears from your eyes before affirming, “Yeah, uh. I need to grab something from my car.”
“Okay, are you parked in the garage? I’ll go down with you,” he offered, getting up and lending you a hand up, mumbling about the state of the bathroom floor as he did so.
After washing your hands, the two of you made your way through the hall and to the elevator before Garcia called out for Reid, “Hotch needs you for something, he said it’s urgent.”
Glancing back at you, he pursed his lips before selecting a lower-level special agent to go with you to the parking garage. “Be right back,” you told him as you stepped onto the elevator.
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Once he was finished with Hotch, Spencer made his way back down the hallway, expecting to find yourself settling in Morgan’s office only to find it empty. Turning back in the hallway, he nearly bulldozed into Morgan and JJ, “Hey, what’s the rush?”
“Have either of you seen Y/N?” He asked, trying not to let panic rise in his voice, but there had been ample time for you to get to the parking garage and back. You should’ve been back by now.
The two of them shared a look, “Uh, no, I haven’t seen her since she left the roundtable room. Is she alright?” JJ asked, blue eyes filled with concern.
Pulling his phone from his pocket, Spencer hit the number one on speed dial – your number – and brought the phone to his ear before rushing to the elevator and moving to the side as JJ and Morgan piled in with him. Frantically pushing the button for the parking level, he cursed as the phone went to voicemail.
“Reid, what is it?” Morgan asked as the elevator started moving down.
Redialing your number, Spencer muttered to himself, hoping you’d pick up, “I sent her down with an agent. Hotch needed my apartment key so that Tara and Rossi could go look for anything.”
As the steel doors opened, the three of them drew their firearms, each of them taking a different direction when Spencer realized he didn’t even know where you had parked your car. “We have an agent down,” Morgan called out, calling Garcia and putting the phone on speaker. “Baby girl, we need medical and crime scene techs down to the lower-level parking garage,” he said into the phone.
“Spencer,” JJ called out, garnering his attention as he made his way through the garage to where JJ and Morgan were now stood, Morgan was applying pressure on Agent Franks’ wound, and JJ was looking at a car.
The passenger door to your car was open, and the vehicle was chiming as an alert to get you to close the door. As he stepped forward, something glimmered at the edge of his vision. Crouching down, he picked up your engagement ring from the cement, “He’s got her,” he said, a wave of déjà vu nearly toppling him over.
Impatiently waiting for the elevator to take him back up to the sixth floor, Spencer trudged to the roundtable room, desperate for another look at the evidence board. The dates of each letter that you had received, the content of each letter, and the reason for all of this didn’t make any sense to him.
It had to be an erotomaniac, it was the only thing that made sense. You were an object of someone’s desires, and their delusion had to have become so strong that they took you.
Quietly, someone stepped into the roundtable room behind him, “What are you thinking about?”
Imminent death. Statistics of harm and death in cases involving erotomanic kidnappings. “Synchronicity,” he answered simply, entertaining JJ’s conversation as he continued to study the letters. The love letters were at the core of it all, so the answer needed to be written in there. Everything that had come to you was almost an exact copy of words written by Henry VIII.
“Ah, that’s Jung, right?” JJ asked, her voice was kind, and she was using the same tone she used when doing cognitive interviews with victims. He didn’t have time for her pity, they were on a clock.
Sighing, Spencer picked his dry-erase marker back up and scrawled on the board, “It’s a concept that he introduced, yes. It’s meant to describe the occurrence of events which seem like they’re significantly related but there’s no discernable causation.”
JJ nodded understandingly, taking a spot next to him and looking at the notes, “And what occurrence of events are we thinking about right now?”
“I suppose more than anything, I’m wondering if there’s an action that I took in the past that somehow caused me to find myself in this situation twice,” he answered, circling the word ‘the place chosen by yourself’ on the evidence board.
Humming, JJ turned to face him, “Does Y/N know?”
Pressing his lips together in a thin, white line, he nodded tightly, “I told her years ago, when we had first started dating, actually. I never thought…” his voice trailed off as he set down the marker, “She came to me, JJ. She came here to be safe, and he grabbed her from the parking garage.”
“You sent her down there with an agent, you thought you were doing the right thing,” JJ tried to comfort him.
Scoffing dismissively, he stepped back and took a seat in one of the chairs, “I can’t stop thinking about if it would’ve made a difference. If her asking me for help would have fixed anything, or if it would have ended the same way.”
Taking a seat near him, JJ paused for a moment, seemingly at a loss for words, before responding, “We can’t really afford to think like that though, in our line of work.”
Spencer scoffed, “No, we can’t. Especially not now, but the timing of it is weird. It’s been almost exactly four years, and now…” his voice trailed off as his eye caught on something on the paper. “The timing is off,” he muttered, picking up the first letter you had received.
“What is it, Spence?” JJ asked, tilting her head to the side curiously.
Shaking his head, he read the letter again, “This letter, it’s from the first letter Henry VIII wrote to Anne Boleyn, but in this version, he says he’s been waiting for months to be with her, but they waited seven years to be together because they were waiting for his marriage to Catherine of Aragon to be annulled.”
Still confused, JJ leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees, “Okay, what does that mean.”
“We ruled out a student because the crimes didn’t read as mature, but what if it’s a different kind of student?” He proposed, standing up from the chair abruptly and starting to write on the board.
Rolling her chair closer to the board, she shrugged, “I’m not sure I’m following.”
Holding up a single finger, Spencer wrote a name down on the board, “Y/N has a grad student TA, he’s been working toward his PhD for seven years. He’s been her TA for three months – that lines up with the timeline in the letters.”
“Okay,” JJ said, starting to follow along, she waved at the team members in the bullpen to get their attention before hitting the call button on the conference phone. “Penelope, what do you have on a Geoffrey Williamson? He’s a TA in Y/N’s class.”
There was typing on the other line before a sound of disgust came from the technical analyst, “He is a different kind of smarmy, it looks like he transferred programs two years ago to Y/N’s university after he… oh. It looks like he bounced from foster home to foster home as a kid, his parents never fully gave up their rights but couldn’t follow through on their case plan. He was unsuccessful in his last dissertation defense three months ago,” she continued clacking on her keyboard, “after which his mentor teacher dropped him and the school gave him one more semester before pulling his funding. He asked Y/N to be his new mentor teacher and it looks like she turned him down -very nicely, might I add.”
Scoffing, Morgan crossed his arms in front of his chest, “That sounds like a stressor and a trigger if I’ve ever heard one.
“Garcia,” Hotch spoke into the phone, “Do you have a location for Williamson?”
There was more typing as Spencer could feel his carotid pounding in his throat, “It looks like he lives in student housing, but… he recently inherited an old factory after his biological father passed away two weeks ago.”
Nodding, Hotch looked around the table, “Send us the address, and forward it to Rossi and Lewis too.”
“Done, go get her,” Penelope urged into the phone before hanging up.
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He slipped your engagement ring into his pocket before adjusting the strap on his Kevlar, thrumming with nervous energy as Morgan coordinated with SWAT, waiting outside of the old textile factory as the tactical team organized themselves in front of the BAU.
Spencer and JJ took the left side, Rossi and Tara took the right, and Morgan and Hotch went through the main doors.
“No!” Your voice broke out through the steel corridors of the factory, immediately followed by a yelp.
There was an awful noise then, like metal scraping against itself, “Fucking say it!” An unfamiliar male voice broke out in a holler.
Steeling himself, Spencer had to hold himself back from rushing into the room where your voice was coming from, each one of your sobs was like another strike at his resolve. “Good Christian people,” he heard you say, your voice was strained, “I am come hither to die, for according to the law, and by the law I am judged to- to-“ Your voice broke off into a heap of wails.
“What is she saying?” JJ whispered, waiting for SWAT to clear the corridor.
All of the blood had drained from Spencer’s face, “She’s reciting Anne Boleyn’s execution speech, from right before she was beheaded.”
JJ nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation – they needed to get in there, and they needed to do it quickly. SWAT waved them over, and the two of them filtered through the open doorway. The space was dimly illuminated by candles, but the only thing Spencer could focus on was your head, bowed toward the ground as you watched the ground. Above you, Geoffrey was holding a sword, ready to cut your head off.
“Geoffrey Williamson, FBI!” JJ called out, announcing themselves to the UnSub before he could get any further in his convoluted execution, “Put the sword down! Let Y/N go.”
Spencer clocked the UnSub’s grip tightening on the sword as he zeroed in on you, “I can’t! She has to pay for this! She has to finish the speech.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but as you raised your head slightly, he found himself silenced by your gaze. Roll, he mouthed the words to you, hoping Williamson was too focused on JJ to notice what he was trying to tell you.
“And by the law I am judged to die,” you continued the speech, your voice wavering.
Taking a deep breath, Spencer watched as the UnSub raised the sword despite JJ��s instructions to set it on the ground, “Y/N, stop talking!”
Releasing another sob, you finished the execution speech, “And therefore I will speak nothing against it.”
As soon as the last word was out of your mouth, Williamson brought the sword down, and as it swung, two things happened. JJ pulled the trigger on her firearm, killing the UnSub, and you rolled out of the way, the chains that bound your hands and feet clanging on the ground as you did so.
Holstering his weapon, Spencer ran over to you, dropping to his knees in front of you, “It’s done. It’s over,” he tried to reassure you, but you had begun struggling against your restraints as Spencer tried to settle you down, “Stop, it’s me, baby. Baby, it’s me,” he said desperately.
Once you had maneuvered yourself into a sitting position, you looked at Spencer with big, watery eyes before completely breaking down. “I just wanted it to end,” you babbled as your face crumpled.
“I know, honey,” he said, reaching out to pull you close as JJ contacted the rest of the team, asking for a chain cutter to get your restraints off of you as they weren’t able to find the keys on the body. “He’s gone, you’re safe,” he urged, holding you tightly.
You weren’t seriously injured, but there were enough bumps and bruises to make Spencer insist on a trip to the hospital. Until the EMTs could make it to you, he was fine with holding you on the floor of the factory. Keeping you close. Keeping you safe with him.
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facefullofsadness · 6 months ago
when succubus!winrina are summoned
g!p demon!jiminjeong x human!reader
smut, 2k wc
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happy extremely belated birthday (like can I even classify this as a bday post anymore?) to the most annoying person I know @aliceiwk because she didn't wanna tell me her bday even though I was gonna find out eventually bc I was gonna post this ANYWAY. is late as FUCK (literally an entire month PLUS late omg) bc of school, travel, other reasons wtv, but that wasn't gonna stop me!!! soooo yes mwah mwah lub u enjoy ur jiminjeong threesome!!
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when yizhuo and aeri had the bright idea of doing a silly little demon summoning session for funsies, you screamed at them in horror. what the actual fuck kind of idea is that? the two girlfriends' justification was simply for shits and giggles! I mean, that shit isn't real anyway, right? there's no ACTUAL fucking shot demons would come to haunt you guys if you tried conjuring em up!
somehow, someway, yall ended up in a circle with some candles, some salt, a shady looking book, and a dark ass room. being in the actual moment sent chills down your spine, the summer nights being quite cold to accompany such a stupid idea you and your friends were going through with. when your last minute effort to back out, stop, and instead watch horror movies to get their spooky fill failed, the two girls begin flipping pages of the book.
"what aboutttt demon of gluttony?" the small girl asks, pondering which demon to summon.
"there's not a lot of things to do with that," the taller girl replies, one arm propped up behind her girlfriend, checking her nails on the other hand.
"demon of wrath?"
"we've all got enough anger combined to need that one."
"demon of sloth!"
"fuck does that even mean?"
"ooohhhh!! y/n desperately needs this one, demon of lust."
"oh, perfect!"
"hey wait what is that supposed to mean?!" you butt in.
"now now, it's okay to badly want head! we're just helping you out!"
aeri raises her hands up and reaches out to pull you into the chair placed in the middle of a pentagram surrounded in candles. you put your face in your hands, shaking your head at the reality of what was currently happening.
"now just sit tight and soon enough you'll stop complaining about your celibacy!"
performing the ritual was goofier than you expected it to be. with the accompaniment of yizhuo's unserious reading of the spell, aeri's cackle everytime her girlfriend stuttered, and forgetting to pause the music, having txt's blue hour playing in the background, it was hard to take anything seriously. having to go through with the summoning ritual twice because the first time was so botched, thinking doing it again would make sure it "worked".
unsurprisingly, nothing happened. ning was disappointed, to which aeri had to kiss away her pout, but you were relieved because what the fuck would have possibly happened if it worked? you sent the girls home after making them clean the stupid ritual up, collapsing on your mattress and passing out.
in the dead of night, two figures emerge from the shadows, the darkness of your room enveloping the strangers. you're completely asleep, your peaceful breathing and spinning ceiling fan the only white noise to mask the echoey voices across the room.
"what are you doing here?"
"I was summoned, I could ask the same question to you."
"why would I purposefully go somewhere you are?"
"it's simple, you're obsessed with me or something."
"not as obsessed as you are with me."
the shadowy figures huff in the darkness before staring back at your slumbering body.
one of them smirks and scoffs, "horny slut must've summoned both of us."
"how fascinating, I was worried it was gonna be a man again," the other figure tilts her head to the side, observing your sleeping face.
"ugh, one thing we can finally agree on, men aren't nearly as fun or tempting as women."
the being observing your face brushes a strand of hair out of your eyes, "girls are just so delicious."
the two look at each other and exchange a sinister smile, almost agreeing to be civil through eye contact.
"then let's have our fun tonight yeah, winter?"
"only if you share, karina."
you were awoken to your body being thrown around, your back sinking into the mattress, wrists pinned on either side of you, eyes shooting open with a gasp, shaking you out of your sleep. foggy sight clearing and eyes adjusting to the darkness slowly as two figures come into view, women (?), or as your mind would rationalize them to be.
two shadowy women with rustic obsidian horns growing through their skulls, dark tails swaying behind them, black leather-like wings spanning out from their backs, and dark red orbs emanating aura from their eyes. you're frozen into place, your eyes doing all the talking as they observe the figures pinning you down with their talon-like claws, skimpy leather outfits hugging the pale women's milky skin.
you want to scream, thrash, do something, but all you can do is stare at them, eyes darting back and forth between the dark-haired and blonde creatures.
"awww, look at her, such an innocent little thing," the blonde coos, her voice reverberating, almost as if she had a filter over it.
the dark haired girl replies, voice heavy with reverb and seduction, "but she's not, she needed to be fucked senseless by two of us, isn't that right?"
you're speechless, mouth opening to answer but no noise escaping. no way... was this a result of that stupid summoning ritual you guys did earlier that night? it... worked? BOTH TIMES???
"can't speak, can you? do humans not understand what consequences of your actions mean? didn't your people come up with that saying?" the darker one pouts, pulling back from your face to straddle one of your legs, knee slotting itself perfectly between your thighs.
the blonde one giggles, her sinister tone sending shivers down your spine, "fuck I cannot wait to consume you, you're extremely enticing."
somehow, you speak, voice heavy with confusion, fear, and exhaustion, "what the fuck are you?"
the two exchange a sly smirk, looking at each before turning back to you, "exactly what you asked for, demons of lust."
succubus, it had clicked in your head as you further observed their features, feeling their nails digging into your skin, the pain confirming you were in fact not dreaming.
"don't worry little one, we'll give you everything you want."
the blonde demon's tail wraps around both of your wrists, the dark-haired demon releasing you from her grip, letting the other pin your hands down and back above you. the blonde settles next to your head, her crotch emanating heat in front of your face. she takes a handful of your hair and grips the back of your head, pulling your face up and lowering herself to meet you, your scalp stinging in her hold.
"be a good fucking whore and let us do what we want with you, you'll enjoy every second of it."
she pushes your cheek against her crotch, her addicting scent filling your nose, feeling her hard appendage press against your face. meanwhile, the dark-haired girl between your thighs digs her knee against your core, whimpering at the pressure, having only worn panties and a t-shirt to bed.
the taller girl's cold hands grip your exposed thighs, digging her nails into your skin, making you hiss. she trails her hands under your shirt, ghosting her fingers over your waist and dragging her claws across your stomach. her hands are greedy, moving at a moderate pace but every touch is so intense and rough, knuckles now rubbing against your soaking underwear, friction brushing against your clit.
everything happens so fast as you swear you black out every few seconds the more their touches advance on your body. before you know it, you're choking on the demon called winter, the other succubus grinding her knee against your bare pussy being karina. you moan against the blonde's cock as she thrusts mercilessly into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat as tears spill from your eyes, the pleasure from the dark-haired girls needy hands on your hips forcing your body to roll against her knee with your panties pushed to the side, cunt leaking with your juices, making the movements slick, your eyes rolling back at the sensation.
"yeah little slut? like that big cock in your throat? can't speak huh? fucking whore," winter degrades above you, holding your head with both of her hands to control just how relentlessly she ruins your throat.
karina chuckles darkly below you, watching her pull away and lower her face to your pulsing core, "she is a whore, just look at how fucking wet this bitch is. she's practically a waterfall of cum."
through blurry, tear-filled eyes, you watch as karina's split tongue circled your hot clit, feeling its unforgiving movements dance across your aching slit as it flicks against your bud and hole simultaneously somehow. not that you question it, falling into an inevitable sub-space, your mind completely broken just as quickly as they had started fucking you.
you feel winter's member so deeply down your throat, it bulges in your neck, her rugged panting and breathing making the onslaught of your body worth it. all your noises are choked and silent however, karina's skillful mouth maneuvering your burning insides and throbbing outsides, the hums from her throat vibrating against your entire pussy. the sensation of winter's creamy cum flowing down your throat makes you roll your eyes back, not needing to swallow as her load slides down your esophagus easily.
"couldn't you be at least a little patient?" an annoyed karina pulls away from your pussy to complain, tugging your limp body up against her chest, winter's cock slipping from your swollen mouth.
the blonde's heavy breathing is accompanied by a reverberating chuckle as she responds, "don't be jealous, you get to taste the bitch's pussy, I should be the aggravated one."
the taller girl replies with a grunt, "fine, but I'm cumming in her cunt first."
"oh no, we're sharing that fucking hole," you feel the other succubus' body heat on your back, pressing her front against you, her still hard monster cock tapping against your ass.
"you are so fucking annoying," karina mumbles before pulling out her hard dick and slipping it between your folds, collecting your slick, pushing into your tight hole as you scream painfully at the intrusion.
she immediately sets an unforgiving pace, mercilessly pounding her throbbing member into your aching heat, holding you against her chest by your waist, your face in her shoulder as you sobbed in pain, the pleasure slowly creeping in. the girl behind you spits on her dick, spreading the saliva before forcing herself in you too, joining karina's relentless thrusting. tears flow from your eyes as bloodcurdling screams escape your already sore throat, the two demons' lengthy and girthy cocks tearing your tight cunt apart, drool leaking from your mouth as your brain abandons consciousness, completely broken and ruined from them fucking you.
winter pants against your ear as her hands sink into your hips, drilling you from behind, "you're gone now, aren't you doll? you've become our little cumslut to treat like a toy, haven't you?"
her words don't process in your fucked out head, nodding mindlessly to her question.
karina against you moans as your pussy squeezes around both of them, pushing in as winter pulls out, "taking us so well, little whore. that's right, be the good fucking slut you are and take it. take all of it."
they continue to absolutely annihilate your insides with their aggressive ramming, never stopping as they used your body like a sextoy, throwing you around like a ragdoll, pounding into you like you were just their property. the sound of wet skin slapping together and their loud, frustrated breathing filled your barely functioning auditory senses as you feel both of them stiffen against you, hot cum filling you, stuffing you full of their seed.
your lifeless body slumps against karina's front, winter holding you up as someone, unsure of who due to your barely conscious state, breathlessly comments against your ear, "we're far from finished, little one."
and they keep their word, not stopping the entire night, their split tongues working in tandem on each of your nipples, lapping at both of your holes as they seep pleasure, their cocks exploring every inch of your greedy orifices, letting you feel every bit of lust they harbor towards your mortal body. they fuck you until you break, until they ruin every part of you, until your begs and pleads grow silent, until time ceases to exist, the only thing in your sorry brain you can possibly process are karina and winter. and maybe when you're free, you'll thank aeri and yizhuo.
a/n: yeah their cocks probably have ridges and stuff but I didn't think about that while writing it, maybe next time <3 #welovemonstercock !!! can this even be classified as a short like this shit is long, oh whale
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knowyourplace-fool · 6 months ago
halo! new follower here! i like your yandere!ex!bully!Eren x Reader ♡_♡ can I ask for a continuation of it? where y/n is on her pregnant phase and up until the child was finally born. like how would Eren treat her? bcs ik for sure y/n would drop out on her college T_T
⚠️: NON CON, Forced Pregnancy, yandere!eren...
-> sorry for the wait, life's been hectic
-> yall got me fucked up. The eren smut tag be so dry nowadays
-> part 1
The last few days, you've been feeling uneasy
Eren's been avoiding you ever since that night he stormed into your house and fucked you unconscious
You desperately want to talk to someone about your feelings but can't due to:
1. lack of friends... scratch that, you don't have any friends
2. Your mother doesn't give a flying fuck about you
3. Eren... The person who is causing you to feel this way
You can't put your finger on it, but it's a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen
Nonetheless, you can't just wallow in your bed all day so you get up to get ready for your 12pm lecture
Everything seemed normal until you started to feel nauseous upon your arrival at school
You thought maybe it was because you hadn’t ate anything in the morning, so it’s just empty stomach nausea
But no.
The nausea was then followed with a pang of dizziness and before you knew it, you collapsed onto the floor.
Waking up in a hospital bed and being met with emerald eyes was not ideal
It was unfair how pretty he was. How could someone look like a prince from a fairy tale be so ruthless and cold?
His hand reached to touch your cheek, gently caressing it. You can’t remember the last time he touched you so gently like this.
“I’m gonna go get the nurse to make sure you’re stable.” He spoke is a calm, gentle tone. Despite all the shit he’s put you through, you couldn’t help but feel safe, wanted and loved when he spoke to you in that moment.
He left the room and you took the chance to sit upright and look at your surroundings. There was a fruit platter, a teddy bear and some flowers on the table.
How long have you been out for??
Panic began to settle in, but luckily Eren and his father walked into the room. Right, his father was a doctor.
After some small talk, he did a quick checkup and said that there’s nothing to be concerned about. He got up and paged a nurse before leaving you and Eren alone again.
“Am I able to go home now? Your dad said I’m fine.”
“Not quite yet. There’s something that we need to tell you.”
The door opens and a machine is pushed into the room. The nurse wheeled in a sonogram?
“What do you need that for?”
“To check on how your little bean is doing sweetheart.”
It looked like a vampire sucked all the blood out of you. You went pale. Is this what your gut was warning you about?
Instantly, you begin freaking out. Thrashing around, trying to get up and away from this hospital, away from this city, away from this life and more importantly, away from him.
Eren holds you down on the bed and tried his best to keep you calm. He knew your reaction wouldn’t be pleasant, but you couldn’t possibly despise him this much, right?
“What is she talking about? I- I can’t be pregnant! I’m too young. Please god, this is not happening. Why me?” You begin sobbing, as Eren holds you close to him, sitting on your bed and pulling your body onto his.
“Could you give us a moment please” eren cleared his throat and eyed the nurse as she left and closed the door behind her.
It was like a switch went off in him and he grabbed your jaw tightly, pulling your face close to his.
“Stop fucking crying. You’re embarrassing me. You’re the one who fucking caused me to do this. You kept trying to leave me without a reason. Even though I pleaded with you to stay, to give me another chance to fix my mistakes. But you didn’t. I know the reason why you broke up with me is to whore around. Like your mother who doesn’t even know who your dad is. Now unlike your whore mother, this baby has a father. And I have no plans on abandoning my child because I don’t want them to turn out like you. So sit up straight and let her take the ultrasound. You’re ruining what’s supposed to be a happy moment for first time parents.”
He roughly let go of your jaw and called the nurse back in while you sat upright again and wiped the tears away.
Eren lifted your gown to expose your stomach and pulled up the blanket so you weren’t exposed down there. The cool gel was spread on your stomach and before you knew it, a small bean was presented on the sonogram screen.
Your heart began to soften up after realizing that you were growing a baby in your stomach.
But the tears wouldn’t stop. You ended up turning away from the screen and closing your eyes, trying to figure out what you’re going to do.
After the nurse left to print out the pictures, Eren helped you get dressed so you could finally leave this depressing place.
The car ride was silent. You had the bouquet of flowers resting on your lap while you played with the ultrasound photos with your fingers
You noticed eren was headed back to his place so you cleared your throat and asked him to drop you off at your place.
“I’m not gonna leave you alone. Not when you’re pregnant with my child. We’re gonna be staying at my place so I can take care of you. We also have to search for a house to settle in before the baby’s arrival.”
“Eren, all of that isn’t necessary. I’m still in my first trimester.”
“Even more reason for you to stay with me. The first trimester is always the riskiest. And I’m not taking that risk.”
“I can’t just up and leave everything, Eren. My lease isn’t up until July and I have a job too.”
“I don’t care. I’ll pay whatever I have to, and break the lease.”
Panic began to set in
Tears started forming in your eyes and the palms of your hands became clammy
The idea of being tied to Eren for the rest of your life made your heart pound in your ears and your stomach churn
You’d be signing your freedom away
You wouldn’t be able to go to school, or have a job
You’d be stuck at home as a house wife, like he’s always wanted
You couldn’t let that happen
no no no no no
It was a stupid, impulsive decision
But you were desperate to get out of his car and stay away from his place
So you blurted,
“What if it’s not yours?!”
It was the straw that broke the camel’s back
I know I didn’t answer this request to the full extent, but tbh if I did, you’d have to wait an additional 10 months.
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andromydagalaxy · 1 month ago
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~ NSFW, teacher x student ~ Reader is a senior in high school, bored and unsatisfied, they turn to their calculus teacher for help with more than just math problems.
I've been waiting to publish this one and 7,000 words later, it's finally done. I hope yall like it.
You slump in your chair, spinning your pencil around your fingers. Your eyes are low and spacing out, mentally thinking about the overindulgence of tongue the boy you were making out with last night had. Another stupid, boring parking lot hook up. Every date to you felt uninteresting and led nowhere or was just sexual but never satisfying. Sex has never felt like how others in your life made it out to be, making you think it would be romantically beautiful, hot and heavy, especially your first time. Nothing, not books, movies, or tv shows, show how awkward and self-conscious you could feel during it. Especially with an inexperienced or sexually incompatible partner.
That is unfortunately the state of your peers. Your mind has become a daydreaming vessel for sexual fantasies, with various unattainable people. Long, drawn out foreplay, with strong hands moving up and down your thighs, lips soft and in sync with a gentle tongue, and consistent hip thrusts. A build up of so much sexual energy, there’s a physical heat radiating from your pussy and an unbearable tingling and pulsing. Someone smart and experienced. Patient and conscious. Dominant and confident.
Your gaze moves to your calculus teacher, solving an equation on the whiteboard. The sunlight from the windows shone onto the curling piece of brown hair falling into his aviator glasses. He had undone a few buttons on his sleeves and rolled them up during your daydreaming. Your cheeks turn red and you bite your lip, your mind wandering back to those images now replacing them with Mr. Schlatt. He’s tall with a beautiful blend of muscle and fat, the perfect dad bod, to match his sarcastic, no-nonsense attitude. You notice the grip his thick fingers have, wrapping around the marker. The way he fully pulls off those mutton chops with the slightly messy look, grown out hair curling and frizzing at the ends, big glasses covered in a few smuggles, and a button-down shirt untucked.
The head of your eraser slips into your mouth and your hips squirms in your seat, observing him so closely. Your body grows warmer, your chest and crotch pulsing at the thought of what it would be like to feel even a slight touch from him. Your gaze moves down to his crotch, hoping for a glimpse.
You wonder how hard it could get. How long it could get? How hard could he go? How long could he go?
You sigh, finishing the last of your homework. The clock read 11:12 PM, a later night for you as finals are approaching. You stuff the pages into your backpack and run into your bed, phone in hand, ready to wind down.
Now free to do so, your mind wanders to Mr. Schlatt. You’ve spent the past couple weeks growing more attracted to him, daydreaming about him before bed, during school, after school, and especially during his class.
His hands grab your waist, skirt still on, panties pulled down, and shirt fully unbuttoned. His dick perfectly hard inside you, tits swinging above the desk filled with half graded papers. The lights are on, the door is unlocked, and every window is open, begging to be seen.
“Fuck, you’re so big.”
“And you’re taking it so well,” He moans out pulling back your hair. “You’re just so easy.” Your eyelids fell shut and your grip tightened on the edge of the desk, your sweat dripping onto the papers.
You let out a few shallow breaths, feeling your climax hit, and slowing the pace on your clit. A calming wave washed over your body and you soon fell asleep cuddling under your sheets.
You woke up on time, a rare occurrence, eager for today, to see Mr. Schlatt and wear your little outfit. You grab your plaid, pleated, and pastel pink skirt, slipping it on over your lace white thong. Your top is also white, a skin tight turtleneck with short sleeves, and a knitted pattern. You pull up your white socks with frills around the ankles and shove your pink tennis shoes into your feet. You brush out your hair, leaving it down and wavy and apply some blush, mascara, and lip gloss to your face.
You take a look in your full length mirror and smile. Adorable and cute.
You spend all of your classes rubbing your thighs together, chewing on your writing utensils, and messing with the collar of your shirt and the hem of your skirt. AP Calculus is last and today is definitely the slowest it’s ever been.
Your mind absorbs nothing.
You finally get to his class and he has the top three buttons of his shirt undone, chest hair poking out, sleeves rolled up, shirt untucked, and sweat glistening off his forehead. It’s like he’s teasing and tempting you more and more everyday. You feel yourself throbbing against your chair, not taking in a word he is saying.
After the lesson is over, and your peers start packing up their stuff, you sit in your chair and wait for them to leave, before packing your bag and walking up to his desk. You fix your hair and smooth out your skirt.
“Hey, Schlatt?” He looks up from his computer, quickly scanning his eyes over your outfit. You usually come to school stylish, adding some accessories to your outfits, but wearing a skirt is new. “Can we meet after school today, I don’t get this.” You gesture at the board filled with today’s calc problems.
Schlatt furrows his brows, tilting his head at you. “You, hon?” You bite your lip, smirking a bit at the pet name. “You’ve been doing basically perfect on the homework and on tests, what don’t you get?”
He’s staring up at you, the intense gaze from his brown eyes making your gut twist. You’re riding a high you haven’t experienced before, wanting to push the boundaries of your student/teacher relationship. So, you turn around, lifting yourself up on the edge of his desk, skirt riding up your thigh as you sit down, moving your leg up, and shifting your body towards him.
“You know, I just think that,” you trail off, observing Schlatt’s gaze moving down your figure much slower this time, his eyes widening as he stares at your leg covering up the papers scattering around his desk. Your gut twists again. “I just think that I need some personal, one-on-one time with you.”
He clears his throat and readjusts himself in his chair, struggling to find a place to comfortably put his hands. His hesitation to correct your inappropriate behavior and his wandering eyes fills you with confidence. “I’ve just been so distracted lately.” You slowly run a hand up your thigh, seductively moving your fingers towards the hem of your skirt, teasing the idea of showing him what’s underneath.
“Um, yeah, okay.” He goes back to looking at his computer. “I’ve got some time after school, just be back here in like half an hour.” You smile at his words, heart racing in your chest, your plan going swimmingly. “Now get off my desk.”
“Yes, Sir.” You hop off his desk and walk towards the door.
“Y/N.” You stop at the doorway, turning back around to face him. He’s leaning back in his chair, legs spread apart, and twirling a pen between his fingers, a small smirk on his face. “Don’t call me that.” His statement is firm and commanding and his voice is low and suggestive.
You feel your gut clench, your mouth watering, a strange combination of fear, anticipation, and arousal. Your grip on the reins is softening as he’s carefully slipping them out of your hands. He’s teasing you back.
“Sorry, Sir.” You run out the door before he can protest.
You stare at yourself in the mirror, adding another coat of lip gloss and spraying perfume all over your body. You turn to check the back of your outfit and notice your cheeks peeking out as you bend down a little. How you didn’t get dress coded today is beyond you.
You bite your lip. “Slut,” you mouth to yourself before heading back towards Schlatt’s classroom up the stairs.
“Sit,” he commands right as you open the door, pointing at the rows of empty desks. “And MY desk is not an option.” A blush grows on your face making your way over to the closest desk in the front and pushing it right up against the front of his desk. You plop down and cross your legs, longingly staring at the man in front of you.
“Okay, lemme just summarize the lesson from earlier, again.” He turns to the board, writing down an amalgamation of formulas from today’s lesson that you already understood perfectly. Just like in class, you zone out, thinking about how hairy the rest of his chest is. How big those arm muscles under his shirt really are. How thick his cock is. If he’s rough or more gentle.
“Any questions so far?” Schlatt turns back around towards you. Being brought back into reality, you clear your throat and sit up in your chair.
“Sorry, I got distracted. Can you go through it again?” He rolls his eyes and erases the board, writing a brand new problem.
“Here.” He holds the marker in your direction. “Try this problem.”
You get up from your chair, pulling your skirt up higher around your waist. You take the marker from his hand and start solving. This problem is easy, you know the steps, but you need to keep playing dumb. Your tummy turns as you carelessly write down a mistake you knew would get him frustrated. On beat, you hear his sigh.
“Wait.” Schlatt walks up behind you and grabs the marker from your hand. You stay in your spot, and just like you’ve envisioned, he puts his hand on your back trying to move your body away from the board. That’s when you take the opportunity and rub your ass slightly against the front of his pants while you move with the motion of his hand.
His breath hitches.
You swear you feel a small bump graze your skirt. Staring up at him towering over you, you watch the redness growing on his cheeks. You study all the beautiful imperfections on his face, while he avoids your gaze, focusing on fixing your careless mistake. When he finishes, he glances down at you, his groin growing warmer seeing you bite your lip with red cheeks, a cute face, and sparkling eyes staring at him.
“So, do you need me to explain what you did wrong here or did you figure it out?” His voice drips with sarcasm. He taps the end of the marker on your nose. Your heart races not knowing how to gracefully get to where you want with him. But maybe that’s the issue; doing it gracefully. You aren’t graceful and neither is this situation.
Mr. Schlatt definitely isn’t graceful either.
“I understand this.” You don’t even acknowledge the board, keeping your eyes locked with his. “There’s another problem I’m having trouble solving though.” Schlatt stares back at you, his cheeks are still red as his cock twitches.
“Oh, yeah?” His attention is fully on you. “What’s that?” You move your body closer to his, trying to smell his scent and gauge the reciprocation.
“I’ve been so distracted.” Your voice is unwavering and seductive like you’d practiced in your daydreams. You test the waters more and run your fingers across the hairs on his exposed forearm.
“I’ve noticed.” He crosses his arms, pulling them away from your fingers, but he keeps the rest of his body close. “You always look so flustered when I check on you during class, what’s distracting you?”
He’s engaging with you. He’s noticing more than you think. He checks on you. Of course, he probably does this with all of his students. But, he looks closely enough to know you’re flustered.
“What?” He hums, leaning his shoulder against the board. “You’ve been acting so.” He looks you up and down. “Bold today, you can’t share your little problem with me?”
“It doesn’t feel little,” you whisper out, hands fidgeting behind your back. There’s a genuine feeling of coyness wrapping itself up in your plan to tease the situation before dropping the bomb. Like the timer is ticking and the longer it goes the more anxious and hesitant you get.
“I used to be a teenager too, I think I can understand.”
You gulp.
“I guess it’s just… hormones, making me think about boys and–” You hesitate again, you can’t even bring yourself to say the stupid word. All day and night you’ve been spending thinking about him on top of you, grabbing you, undressing you, calling you his beautiful girl and also his dirty whore, letting him use your mouth under his desk, teasing you until you’re crying and begging for him to fuck you. Yet, you can’t bring yourself to say–
“Sex?” Schlatt is smiling, arms still crossed and leaning against the board. You feel your face warm up and you avoid his eyes, like if you stare too long you’d get on your knees and start begging. “You think I don’t understand that, Sweetheart?” Fuck, that pet name makes you throb. “I’ve never really thought too much about boys, but I still think about sex.”
“Oh my god, but it's like always on my mind,” You whine, crossing your arms and squeezing your thighs together. In the corner of your eye, you notice Schlatt staring down, observing the way your legs just moved.
“You learn how to control it better as you get older.”
“But, I just can’t stop thinking about this person.”
“Aww, you got a crush?” You nod your head.
“Yeah, um.” You move your gaze back to him. “He’s tall and really smart. I love listening to him explain things to me.” The blood is pumping in your ears. “He’s always a little messy when I see him in class, but in like the hottest way.” You’re wondering if he knows who you’re hinting at already or if he’s mentally running through the list of senior boys in AP Calculus, which isn’t very long. “But, he’s a little older and I feel like I can’t even tell him.” You pause and bare your eyes into his soul. “Or I might get in trouble.” He raises his brow, peering back behind him at the door and the small windows looking into the classroom. “All I want is his attention and…affection.” Schlatt’s pretty eyes turn back to you. “But I don’t know if he’d risk that with me.”
You feel your eyes watering, not because you’re sad or feeling any particularly negative emotion. Maybe some of it is the stress you’re experiencing about the current situation, but mostly it feels like tension. The sexual tension that’s been building up in your body and brain for weeks, the indescribable pull and high you’ve been getting around him. It feels like you’ve never had sex in your life and if this doesn’t happen how you’ve dreamed, you’re gonna shrivel up and never feel this good again.
“Okay, Hon.” He rubs his hands up and down your biceps. “You wanna tell me?” His touch is electric and warm. “We’ll keep it our little secret.” His touch is sucking up your tears and disolving the weeks of tension. “I’m your cool, chill teacher, you’re not getting in trouble.” You want more of his big, soft hands on you. So you trust him.
“All I can think about is you.” He slows the pace of his hands. “You look so hot in your button-down shirts and your messy hair and your glasses.” He stops, gently squeezing your biceps in his hands. He could easily physically do what he wants with you. You move your eyes down to his crotch. “I wanna see how big it is.”
“Y/N.” Oh shit, he’s reacting more surprised than you thought he would. He moves his hands away from you. “Jesus, your behavior lately makes more sense.” He sounds stern, like he’s about to scold you, exactly what you were worried about.
“Mr. Schlatt, I don’t know what to do.” Your eyes begin to water again, now feeling rejection. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Schlatt stares, your eyes glossy and cheeks flushing behind the strands of chestnut brown hair falling into your face. Your nipples are hard through your little turtleneck top and that skirt hugs your waist perfectly. He feels his dick twitching. This is not the physical response he wants to be having.
He knows he needs to back away, tell you how inappropriate this is and make you leave. But you’re so beautiful and seeing you cry because you need his touch this bad is bricking him up and stroking his ego. He’s been stressed out with finals coming up, so much work to grade, and no time to go out with someone. He barely gets any moments to relieve himself or is too tired to do it when he gets home, instead just getting uncontrollably hard in the middle of his lessons.
You’ve noticed that.
“Fuck, you’re so pent up and frustrated.” Schlatt walks towards the door and turns the lock on the knob. He pulls the string down on the blind, covering the small window on the door.
“Leave it open.” Your voice cracks a bit, tears drying up and your confidence filling you up again. He raises his eyebrows at your suggestion, tilting his head in disbelief. From tears straight back to teasing. Your heart speeds up as he walks towards you, slowing his steps the closer he gets, like he’s still mentally battling his urges with his morals. He finally reaches where your standing, waiting patiently, and stops right in front of you, tilting your chin up with his finger and pulling you in closer.
“You trying to get me fired, Toots?” A smile grows on your face. “What, you want people to see you teasing me? Is that what you’ve been thinking so much about?”
You grab his wrist and move his hand, molding it around your throat. “Just one thing I’ve been daydreaming about.”
He lets out a breath, squeezing the tips of his finger putting pressure into the sides of your neck. “You’ve thought about this too, huh?” You nod. He tightens his grip as you struggle for air, leaning down to your level. The smell of whiskey on his hot breath floods your nose.
“You gotta promise me you wouldn’t tell anyone about this.” There is definitely alcohol on his breath and you know it’s recent. Did he have it in his drawers? Was he drinking before you came in? “I’m just helping you fix your problem. That’s my job as your teacher, ya?”
“Yes, Sir,” you choke out.
“Fuck.” Schlatt removes his hand from around your neck, wrapping his arms around your body, cupping the small of your back and pulling you in, meeting his lips to yours. Electric waves run through your body at his touch, his facial hair rubbing against your face. He kisses you deeply, holding your body up to his, his lips moving gracefully with yours. Your lips part a bit and your body relaxes into his arms, letting him hold you up with his strength. He pulls away looking down at you. His mouth agape and pupils blown wide, like he wants to eat you. He moves his hands, gripping your little waist, savouring the sight of you. His grip feels almost too tight, making you realize how much stronger he is that you and how big his body is compared to yours.
Without warning, he lifts you up, an arm around your waist and a hand gripping your ass, gently setting you down on the edge of his desk.
“I thought you said your desk wasn’t an option,” you tease. He grabs your face pulling you back in for more affection. His lips feel so nice against yours, passionate and full. Your arms wrapping around his neck while he moves his hands under your thighs. He wraps your legs around his waist, your skirt riding up as you feel your underwear meet the hard on in his pants. You pull away from his lips, gasping for air.
“I’ll make an exception for my prettiest student.” Schlatt rubs you against him crotch in a nice, slow up and down motion. You feel your groin heating up and your breathing increase. His lips meet your neck lightly kissing and biting all over, keeping his grip on your thighs still controlling your movements against him. Your moans are sweet and dripping all over the desk, traveling slowly across the floor.
“Sir.” It slips out without a thought. You feel his dick twitch and grow in his pants, his movements slipping
“God, I told you not to call me that,” He breathes out, despite growing harder at your words. Your gaze meets his, your noses grazing each other, your arms holding onto his shoulders. Your tongue pokes out wetting your bottom lip and nibbling on it. Schlatt groans. The way you’re blushing and looking up at him with alluring eyes is getting him so hot.
He lays your body down on his desk, grabbing the graded papers and homework and stuffing them into the drawers.
“How’d I do on that last test?” Schlatt puts his hands back on your waist, pulling you down on his groin again. His face is beat red and glistening.
“Like you always do,” He runs his hand under your shirt, finger tips grazing against your skin, sending chills down your spine. “Perfectly.” He leans in, kissing your lips. He’s so good at that, no overflow of spit or overwhelming pressure that feels cartoonish. “It’s funny though,” Schlatt breathes out, pulling away again. You feel yourself getting antsy, craving a slow build up, but your body is used to the immediate gratification. “You’re my best student, Kid.” His hands are back on your waist and the heat in your body grows with his praise. “And yet, you’re here, on top of my desk.” He tucks some hair behind your ear, leaning into your ear. “Making me so hard.”
Tingles run down your head and neck, your arms tightening their grip around his neck, legs pulling him closer, silk clothed pussy rubbing against the hard on in his trousers. His fingers play with the small zipper on the side of your skirt while he pulls you back in for more kisses. Your blood is rushing like never before, you swear you can feel your hormones vibrating, you already feel so desperate for him. You’d do anything for him to just fill you up. Schlatt runs the tip of his tongue against your lips, opening you up, and playing a little inside your mouth, his fingers still messing with your zipper. You desperately moan, holding onto him for dear life. He pulls his mouth away.
“Your outfit is so cute.” Both of his hands move your little skirt up your waist more, exposing your underwear. “Wish this was your uniform so I could see you in it every day.” He glides his hand over the top of your thighs and back down the sides, stuffing each pointer finger into the sides of your panties and twisting. “Except without these.” He pulls them down slowly, a little trail of your wetness connecting your underwear and your hole. You felt the classroom air hit your dripping pussy.
Schlatt's eyes widen and his breath hitches seeing how wet you already are. How wet he’s got you. His dick is begging to be buried inside you already, wanting to know what you feel like; how ribbed you are, how tight you are, how much you’re going to stretch around him. But more than that, he needs a tast.
He turns your body towards the board and grabs his desk chair, wheeling it over for him to sit back down in, as you hold yourself up by your elbows to observe him. He adjusts his glasses and pulls the sleeves of his shirt up more. He looks so distinguished.
“Please, Schlatt.” Your whines are so cute to him, only making him want to tease you longer and withhold the thing you both really want.
“Calm down, Toots. I got you.” He runs the very tip of his thumb across your clit. Your brows furrow and your mouth falls open, letting out short breaths. He smirks, moving his thumb away. Your whines continue, your hips now squirming around desperately. He chuckles at you, grabbing your hips, and holding you down. “Tell me what’s been happening in that pretty little head of yours.”
“You want more?” His tone drops, his expression is serious. “Tell me what you’ve been fantasizing about.”
You groan, trying to gather the many different thoughts you’ve been having about him.
“I think about your mouth on my pussy, holding my hips down, and rubbing your beard hair on me.” He moves a hand off your hip and lightly grazes his thumb over your clit again. You whimper at his touch. “I think about your fingers inside me.” He hums, moving his thumb lower, tracing it down like a snail across your vulva. “I think about sucking you off under your desk while you're working.” He moans, dipping the tip of his thumb into your wet opening. You open your legs, needing more. “I–I think about your cock pounding into me. While you're pulling my hair.” You groan. feeling him move his thumb in circles around your hole, teasing around the folds of your skin. “And calling me a pretty girl and a dirty little whore.” His eyes meet yours, softly staring up at you. He smiles, leaning his head against your leg, clearly pleased with how he’s got you wrapped around his fat finger. “Teasing me until I can’t take it anymore.”
Schlatt stops his movements, pulling his thumb away and holding both of your thighs. He leans down in his chair, moving his lips just above your vulva. With his eyes still on you, he spits on your pussy. You gasp, clit throbbing at his mess. He brings his mouth down to you, tracking his tongue up your vulva and flicking at your clit. You squirm at the contact.
He starts licking at your head, swirling his tongue around, mixing his spit and your wetness together. He’s getting into it, flicking his tongue against your clit, with his eyes low, and his hand squeezing your thighs. You feel yourself sweating, your blood rushing, your pussy throbbing, and an endless stream of noises escaping past your lips. You’re trying not to squirm, mostly because he keeps tightening his grip every time you do, but it feels too good, you just need to grab something to hold you steady. You notice his hair.
Your fingers slip through his thick curls, gently grabbing and tugging. His hair feels soft and a bit oily at the scale. You test your decision even more, guiding his head up and down. He slows his tongue movements letting you move him how you please. Just for a few strokes, letting you feel in control. You lean you head back, continuing to move him like you do your fingers when you’re alone touching yourself. He bites your clit.
“Schlatt!” You tug on his hair, trying to pull him off.
He moves off your pussy, standing up to turn your body to the side. You feel a sharp sting swiftly meeting your ass, punishing you for trying to take control. You whine out, pouting at the burn but enjoying his dominance.
He lays you back down on the desk, raising his eyebrows at you, letting the message sink in that you are not the one in control here. That he’s going to stay at the slow pace he’s set for you. That you wouldn’t get to cum until you’re crying for it, like you fantasized about. That you asked for this and you’re going to like it however he gives it to you.
He sits back down and goes back to stimulating your clit with his mouth. His pace is consistent, the pressure feels so good, you’re back to moaning and squirming again. He sticks his tongue out more while moving his face against your legs, tickling your thighs with his mutton chops. Your clit is throbbing, with no sign of release. His hands move up your body, slipping under your tight top and cupping your breasts. He groans into your pussy, slowing his tongue down and focusing on massaging your tits with his big, strong hands. They fit so perfectly, covering your nipple with his palm and his finger wrapping deliciously around your tits, engulfing them. The warmth of his hands feels so nice on your chest, but you wish he would continue flicking his tongue rapidly, why did he slow down?
“Mr. Schlatt?” You whimper out. He hums, still staring at your tits in his hands. “Please, c-can I have more?” He lifts his head off you, a cold draft hitting your wet skin, his hand fiddling with his belt buckle. The sun is kissing the hairs on his arms, as he drops his pants, exposing his navy blue boxers hugging his hard cock. He’s big, the head almost poking out of the leg hole.
Your drooling for it, your clit is aching and without a second thought you move your hand down your body, wanting to relieve the tension.
Schlatt grabs your wrist and pins it down above your head. “Don’t you even fucking try.” His face is right above yours, glistening with sweat. His curls frizzy and his glass falling off the bridge of his nose. “You said you wanted me to tease you, I’m doing that for you. Spoiled fucking brat.”
You had never experienced anyone this dominant or stuck with it so well. Keeping the character and the foreplay going, not just giving in when you do. He’s actually listened to you.
“You’re such a little slut.” He grabs your throat. “Bet you already want my cock buried inside you.” You let out a pathetic little whimper, squeezing your empty pussy. You feel his grip tighten on your airways. “Do you? Answer me.” You nod your head. Schlatt chuckles at your desperation, leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose. “Well, you’re not getting it until you show me how much of it you can take down your throat.”
He moves his hands under your thighs, pulling you off the desk and onto your feet. You feel lightheaded, trying to stabilize yourself against his body.
“Get on your knees.” And like an obedient puppy, you do as he says getting on the floor. You're inches away from his bulge and you can see every vein and curve of it through his skin tight underwear, it’s so surreal and intimidating. Not the first dick you’ve seen but definitely the thickest. “Don’t just stare, take it out, Sweetheart.” You grab his waistband and pull them down, his member popping out and tapping the side of your face. His cock is a nice, long length, not too long to make you worthy about it hurting, but so girthy it might be thicker than your dildos. His veins looked so sexy and his balls hang so perfectly.
You look up at Schlatt looking down at you, waiting for you to touch him. You stare into his eyes, while grabbing the base of his cock, your whole hand wrapping around it. You slowly start pumping and put his tip on your lips gently sucking and wetting his head. He groans out, tucking the strands of your hair behind your ears and placing his hands on your head. The taste of his precum on your tongue motivates you. You speed up a bit, bobbing your head up and down his thick length in sync with your hand while swirling your tongue around his head. Saliva builds up in your mouth, lubbing him up making it easier to stroke his throbbing dick. You pull off to get a breath and spit the excess drool on his shaft.
“Fuck,” Schlatt moans out, threading his finger through your hair and tugging. You let out a tiny squeal, putting him back in your mouth and getting back into your rhythm. The drool drips down your chin and onto your shirt, the wetness and mess making your exposed pussy even more curious. You resist the temptation to reach down and touch yourself while you're getting him off. You know even if you try to be sneaky he’d probably notice and make you wait longer. His dick twitches as you move your mouth and hand faster.
“Baby, look up at me.” You move your gaze up to him, he’s breathing heavily, eyes full of lust. “I’m gonna fuck your mouth, I want your eyes on mine.” God, this man is so hot. Your calculus teacher is so fucking hot. You remove your hand, placing them both in your lap, and opening your mouth wider to prepare for him, not looking away for a second. He moans at your submission, pulling your head down on his length and back up, starting off slow and steady. You relax your throat preparing for his full member.
That’s when the sound of a door and footsteps outside the hall startles you both. Schlatt’s eyes grow wide, lookingaway from you and out the windows into the hallways.
“Get under the desk!” He whispers, moving his hands off your hair and pushing you under. You crawl on your knees under the desk, as he pulls his pants and boxers up to his knees and sits his bare ass in his chair. He pushes himself in until his crotch is hidden under his desk. You're both breathing heavily. Your body is cramped into the very back of his desk in between his legs, his cock still right in front of your face, rock hard.
You take this moment away from his vision to feel yourself. Your vulva is covered in your wetness, you take the bit of it and lick it off your finger. You don’t know who is there, but it’s making you hornier. All you want is this dick back inside you, so you put it back in your warm mouth. If someone saw, you didn't care, you kind of want the world to know you’re a willing slut for your teacher. You want them to assume you're trying to get a better grade or extra credit, just so you don’t have to do the work. But really you’re his star student, just trying to satisfy your insatiable arousal.
“Y/N.” You ignore his stern voice continuing to bob your head up and down his shaft moving your hands behind your back. “Y/N!” You don’t stop. You don’t listen. “God, you wanna get caught don’t you?” He grabs your hair and mercilessly moves you up and down his dick like a fleshlight. “You dirty whore, can’t even wait one minute.” You’re gagging and drooling all over him, trying to focus on breathing through your nose, his head hitting the back of your throat with no room for air. It’s feels like when he’s choking you, but you also feel so nice and full. Even the pain feels so good.
You don’t know where that person is or who thay are. If they're still outside the hallway or if they went downstairs, but it doesn't matter, because the sound of you choking and his low groans and the full feeling and taste of his dick is all you care about.
“Your history teacher just walked right past us.” You moan, still trying to handle him abusing your mouth. “Bet you would've loved for him to see you on your knees choking on my dick.” You feel lightheaded, his pace not letting up, your body low on air. But it’s all turning you on so much. His voice, his words, his hand pulling your hair, his throbbing cock filling your mouth. After what feels like forever, he pulls you off. You cough out all the wetness and take a big, deep breathe in, but before you can recover he’s pulling you up by your hair out from under the desk.
He stands up with you, pushing you forward and bending you over his desk, his hand smashing your face down into the desk, you feel his other hand pull up your skirt and push a finger inside your dripping hole.
“Unhhh!” You moan out, careless and loud, not caring whose around clearly. Your eyes flutter close. He moves his finger in and out of you, your hole gripping around it desperately. The sounds of your wetness and your moans and whimpers fill the classroom splashing outside the cracks of the door and windows into the hallway.
“Gotta fuck you soon, don’t want another one of your teachers to see.” He slides another finger in, curling them so nicely around your tight hole. “Even though I know you’d love that.” He continues massaging inside of you, feeling all the ridges and bumps in your pussy, exploring every corner of your insides, cherishing the little time he has with them.
“Shit, you’re gonna feel so tight. Already, so wet for me.” He pulls his fingers out and you feel the head of his cock sitting right at your entrance. He grabs a handful of your hair, turning your head to face. “You gonna take it like a good girl?” You look back at him and bite your lip.
“Yes, Daddy.” His face scrunches up in pleasure, not expecting that word to come out of your mouth. He pushes himself in, his thick, long cock stretching you and filling you up inch by inch, each one feels better than the last. You bury your face in your arm pushing your ass back into his member wanting to take all of him in, he feels so thick and warm. He’s filling you up just right.
His dick throbs inside you as he moves your hips. Your drunk on his cock, thinking about how many times you’ve played this exact interaction in your head. Your mind couldn’t even comprehend how good this would actually feel. Your moaning out at every thrust, loving the way his balls slap against your clit and his length stretches you out. You could stay like this forever, getting pounded into, your pussy gripping his cock so good, even when he pulls out almost all the way she’s not letting him fall out. Your tits are swinging with each thrust and you see a drop of sweat drip onto your classmates homework. God, this is even hotter than your mind came up with.
He pulls you out of your thoughts, moving your body. He stands you up, your back against his chest. He moves your left leg, setting it up on his desk, opening you up more. He holds you close to him, wrapping an arm around you to hold you steady against him while the other hand moves to your clit. He continues fucking into you, slowing his pace and letting you feel and admire every inch of his length, while rubbing circles into your clit.
“Only the prettiest and smartest girls get to cum on their teacher’s cock.”
The new position fills you in such a good way. Your hole opens up more for him yet he feels so much thicker, everything is tighter. You're loudly whining and moaning, feeling the waves of pleasure get higher and higher. You’re getting close. You know that feeling.
“Schlatt, Schlatt!” You cry out, leaning your head back on his shoulder. “I’m gonna cum, please don’t stop!” He keeps the pace of his cock the same but rubs your clit faster and faster.
“That’s it, cum for Daddy. Cum all over your teacher’s cock.” You take a deep breath, chancing the high, focusing on the sensations in your body and his hands all over you, not letting your orgasm get away. You feel the peak, your muscles squeezing and your body jolting against Schlatt. “That’s it, that’s it.” You let out a breath, and feel the tension leaving, your muscles unclenching, and body go limp. Your legs go numb, as Schlatt pulls you closer, preventing you from falling out of his grip. “Good girl, fuck. Let’s sit down.” Your ears start ringing and you feel yourself fully relax, letting the orgasm cleanse all the stress from your body and brain, as Schlatt sits in his chair and pulls your limp body down into his lap.
He puts your head on his shoulder and scoops you up like a baby, comforting you through the high, playing with your hair and gently rubbing your thigh.
You slowly return to your senses, noticing how quiet the room has gotten, you and your teacher snuggling up together half naked, both wondering what just happened and how things are going to feel after this.
“Hey, Kid?” Schlatt hums out.
“Yeah?” Your voice croaks out.
“You gotta get going, I really don’t want us getting in trouble.” You feel your heart sink, not wanting to leave. A weird part of you hoping he’d let you stay or even less likely, invite you over. God, you aren’t just sexually attracted to him.
You sigh, leaving the warmth of his body to put your panties back on and fix your appearence. You point to his semi-hard dick.
“Do you want me to finish yo–”
“No, no, go home. I got it.” You nod your head, walking toward the door, opening the blind, and slowly undoing the lock. You walk out into the hallway and after you close the door behind you, you take one last look back and see Mr. Schlatt pull out a bottle of whiskey and take a big swig.
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tojivu · 1 year ago
nightmares ⋆ nanami kento
an. my finals start in june i'm gonna explode yall
cw. sfw. gn!reader. kento has nightmares and he needs you
playing. oh my god by fog lake.
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nanami's been getting more sleep ever since he left jujutsu tech and that shitty nine to five he used to slave at every damn day — along with the fact that he's able to spend more time with you. he likes to say that it helps him sleep, having you within arms reach (something that was extremely rare in the past, considering he had no time to rest).
kento thinks you resemble closely to a human sized pillow, and he often treats you as such. his arms are wrapped around your frame, one of his legs laying on top of yours — his chest rises and falls slowly, small snores leaving his lips — and you're thankful, very thankful; nanami was never able to sleep this soundly when you two lived in tokyo.
you try your best to push his heavy weighted figure away: you groan and complain that he's too big to be sharing this bed with you and that he should be sleeping on the floor instead. yet, you welcome him with open arms every night — pressing kisses to his forehead and running your fingers through his blonde hair.
you'd rather clingy and sleepy nanami who uses you as a personal bolster pillow in the night than sleepless nanami who locks himself away in his office, or exhausted nanami who drags his feet through the entrance of your home with bloodied limbs. it broke your heart more times than you could really count, seeing kento that way.
nanami kento saw his life flash before his eyes in shibuya, and all he could really pray for was to make it out alive so he could see you one last time — even if it were just for a few minutes. he clung desperately onto the last bit of energy and will he had in hopes of making it out alive; even if he was mutilated to a point beyond recognition, he needed to be with you. that was the only way he could let himself go — he would crawl back to your home if it meant he could kiss you one last time.
he never told you how long he'd be gone, or if he'd even come back at all: so you waited anxiously, refreshing news pages and watching the television every night for some sort of good. any sort of indication kento was okay.
he doesn't return home. you only see him when you rush down to the hospital they take him to — barely conscious, holding on to hope he didn't know he still had. nanami regains his full consciousness in the weeks following, the first thing he says being that he's done.
yes, nanami didn't want to risk it. never again.
it's 2 in the morning and you're unable to sleep, nanami's groans and sudden flinches are keeping you up.
the expression on his face is horrific — you feel the guilt wash over you like a wave, high and then crashing; so your fingers find his arms and you try your very best to shake the man awake.
your husband wakes up with a whimper; tired eyes almost brimming with tears at the fact that he is awake and you are real. his mouth is sealed, unable to utter a word, but the way his lips tremble tells you everything he cannot say.
"are you—"
soon, calloused fingers are gripping the flesh of your waist and pulling you impossibly closer. a nightmare, you can already tell: his hands feel clammy and his breathing is laboured.
"ken," you whisper. "'s okay. i'm here."
he sucks air through his teeth, trying to catch his breath. his body shudders at your touch as you graze over his skin — tracing circles on his bare back, your lips on his forehead. kento feels like he's about to cry, but he's not sure from what: at the fact that he had the worst dream of his life, or the fact that he's not dead and you're still here.
"'m s-sorry," he mutters. his voice is strained, still that deep and low tone that you're familiar with — but your heart still breaks as he apologises. "i'm sorry for waking you."
"don't be sorry," you comb your fingers through his hair using your free hand. "you know i don't mind it."
he sniffles and you yearn to hold him even tighter, but you think he would suffer broken ribs if you went through with that; so you settle for his head on your chest and your arms wrapped around his back.
"love you," nanami mumbles, voice getting softer and his grip looser — he feels his heart calm and his mind empty when you touch and hold him just like this. "i love you so much."
nanami wanted to be your protector. he hoped he would be for the remainder of his life — he likes to think he's doing a decent job at it now — but sometimes, it feels as though you are his; you fit awfully well to the title.
he supposes that's why he sleeps longer with you in the same bed as him; it's a peaceful thing knowing you're next to him if he has another bad dream, or if he feels cold and needs your warmth — or if he just wants to lay with you.
"i love you more, ken," you lulled, the tips of your fingernails scratching the skin of his trapezius; he recognises the heart shapes you trace on him. "get some rest."
"okay," he hums, his nose poking at your collarbones — his lips slowly leaving trails of kisses along them. "goodnight, darling."
your lips curl into a smile almost instinctively and you think it's embarassing, but it's much too dark for kento to see you blush at the name he calls you. you're thankful.
"goodnight, baby."
he's thankful that it's close to pitch dark, as well — kento thinks you can't see the smile he has on his face — but what he doesn't realise that you can feel him on your skin; feel the way his cheeks puff and his lips form the small smile you are so familiar with.
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090124 — happy new years Tartaglieo fandom my gcse's are upcoming.
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leclerckins · 2 years ago
Hi Dina, I hope you're okey if you have the time, I'd love to hear your thoughts on Charles Leclerc looking after his girl. Maybe she's not doing so good and he takes the time to tidy, cook a meal, make her bed etc 🥹 feeling all the feels tonight. Thank you x
truly madly deeply [cl16]
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❀ pairing (s) — charles leclerc x student!reader
❀ notes — hi! gonna do this in some sort of headcanons of what I think how Charles would react to his girl having a bad day! and i think i got carried away omg anyways hope ur having a good day and hope u would like this!
You are having the most horrible day like your assignments are piling up and you still have to submit your resumes since you're in your final year of uni so everything just gets too much for you
You haven't even been to the last couple of races because of how busy you are
Your absence from the races actually raised some speculations about your relationships like all the gossip pages pinpointing and tracking when was the last time you and Charles were spotted together
This just gets on your nerve and makes you even feel so much worse with people saying that you are not being a good girlfriend like whatever that means
You didn't want to tell Charles about the things that are bothering you since he is also having the worst time with his races
It's another race weekend and you are still not able to go and support Charles which makes you feel even worse even though Charles has assured you that it is totally fine and he understands why you couldn't go
During the weekend, you kinda moved into Charles' apartment because you just miss him and his scent
And you found yourself being able to focus on your work when you are working from his apartment
You also multitasked with finishing up your resumes and also watching the race at the same time
As usual, Ferrari fucked up and you just wished you could be there for him
When he called, you rushed to answer your phone and you could hear his tired voice which made you wish you could give him the biggest hug
Charles says he is coming home tonight and you mentally note that you need to pack your things by this evening
But you fell asleep in front of your laptop on the couch so when Charles walked into the door of his apartment, he nearly had a heart attack but smiled softly seeing you sleep on his couch
He drops his bags at the apartment door and moves to carry you to his bedroom
You stir but didn't wake up and instead just snuggle further into his neck
Charles settles you on his bed and he smiles at the mess you made in his bedroom like your books on his table, your notes on his bedside table and your clothes on his chair
He kisses your forehead and settles himself down for the night before slipping in next to you and he becomes the big spoon as he hugs you from behind
Charles woke up first and kisses your forehead as he gets ready to buy breakfast for the both of you (wouldn't bet on Charles cooking breakfast like there wouldn't be a breakfast if he is the one in front of the stove)
He comes back to you still sleeping since this is actually the first time you managed to get more than 3 hours of sleep so he just gets your breakfast ready and made your coffee just the way you like it
Charles wakes you up with peppering kisses all over your face and you smile as you wake up to the smell of him and also coffee
"Good morning, mon ange (my angel)" he says as he kisses your temple and also helps you up from the bed when he leans down to kiss you
"Nope! morning breath!" Charles just chuckles while ignoring your ridiculous (to him) notions about morning breath and still kisses you
You kiss him but immediately run to brush your teeth so that you could give him #real kisses
He is already waiting in front of the bathroom door and immediately snatches your waist and you two finally kiss (reads: makeout)
And when I say you guys spend 10 minutes just making out like okay we get it yall are obsessed with each other omg
Both of you finally move to the kitchen to have your breakfast
"You cooked?" "More like the cafe three blocks down, baby"
You both catch up on everything and you slipped up on how tired you are lately
Charles didn't say anything but he just moves closer to you to give you the biggest hug
That's when you finally broke apart and just become a crying mess in his arms and his heart breaks seeing you cry
You rant about how ridiculous people are to assume you guys are broken up just because you weren't at the races this year but also feeling like such a bad girlfriend for not going to the races especially since it has been shitty for Charles
Charles shushes you and carries you over to the couch so that he could position you on his lap and you just try to collect yourself
You are looking the absolute worst (Charles: cute) with your reddened nose and cheeks and your hair all over the mess
Charles thinks he would never trade anything else for this view like he wants the bad and the good (bless him)
Once you've calmed down, he runs his fingers through your hair and cups your face with him stroking your cheeks
"First of all, you are the best thing that happened to me. Second of all, they know nothing about us. Lastly, baby even if you are not coming to the races with me it is fine like do I want you there? more than anything in the world but also at the same time, you're always in my mind so it still feels like you're there with me"
He's so cheesy but just like he said in that one interview: "I am romantic"
Charles kisses your forehead and you snuggle into his chest
You actually fall asleep again on his chest and Charles carries you into the bedroom and tucks you in
While you're sleeping, he tidies up your books and notes so that they are organised on his table and will make it easier for you to study later
He charges your laptop and your iPad since they are running low on batteries
He picks up your clothes on the floor and put them with the dirty laundry and also puts them in the washing machine
You're still sound asleep so he goes over to your house to pick up extra essentials like extra clothes, extra skincare and your favourite blanket that he knows you forgot
He stops by the grocery store to get some stuff to make a cute little care package like your favourite chocolates, snacks, extra hairbands and the sequel to the book you are currently reading (he learns how to do this from tiktok)
It's late afternoon and he manages to come back home while you're still sleeping so he runs you a bath with your favourite bath bombs and soaps and then proceeds to wake you up
You woke up to Charles' soft kisses on your face and he leads you to the bathroom
Your heart just gets full at the sight of the bath he prepared for you
He leaves you to have a little time to yourself while he makes a dinner reservation at your favourite restaurant
You finish your bath and you see a beautiful silk dress on the bed and a pair of Louboutin high heels that you have been eyeing and are currently in your online cart right now
Charles walks into the room and hugs you from behind and kisses your shoulder
"We are going out tonight so get ready, amour"
He leaves to get ready and while you're getting ready, you saw the care package he has put together for you
You want to cry at how sweet he is and you also notice how organised your things are and how there are extra clothes in the closet for you
Charles comes out from the bathroom and you immediately just jump on him
He laughs and warns that you might not get dinner if you distract him like this so you behave
Both of you going out looking like the IT couple you both are and got every gossip page eating their words out
When both of you are back home, he is the one who is removing your makeup and is doing your skincare routine for you (yup, he memorised your skincare routine)
The night ends with smiles on y'alls faces because both of you are truly madly (obsessed) deeply in love with each other and that's the only thing that matters
extra: Charles broke the internet with a instagram post by the end of the week!
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liked by yninstagram, carlossainz55, pierregasly, joris_trouche and others
charles_leclerc The reason why I didn't pick up any calls this week
scuderiaferrari and Fred said it's okay! you get a pass!
leclercstan ATE the breakup rumours up
charleswdc and to those gossip pages that have been talking shit....WHATS GOOD
arthur_leclerc literally radio silence from both of you
unhingedleclerc i hate hot people who are in love (let me join pls)
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amphitriteswife · 1 year ago
📝✂️Ror/ Snv characters as Students📝✂️
Qin shin huang:
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🪭 never listens to the teacher. Like ever. He just does a lot of shit and the teacher is fed up with him so they let it slide
🪭 He’s the type of student to never study or show up and still pass with ease. No one knows how, not even the teachers.
🪭’ Qin you have had like 43 periods of missed lesson and it’s not even the second semester. How the hell did u even pass my test’ ‘Sir, i am literally God’s chosen emperor’
🪭 If you’re partnered up with him, prepare to take the lead cause bro either doesn’t know shit or he aint even present to begin with
🪭Even though he doesn’t do much for projects, he still buts whatever you need for it as a way to repay you. Including if he gets food or drinks, he’s paying for them too.
🪭Has very random subjects. Mainly cause they have China in them, including Chinese.
🪭 ‘Alright, what subjects do you wish to choose to take exams from?’ ‘China’
🪭 Violates dress codes. You need to dress in uniform? He’ll wear the most lavish suit you have ever laid your eyes upon. The school has a gala and you need to dress fancy? He’ll pull up w the most casual and basic outfit ever.
🪭 If he’s actually present, which is a rare sight, he’s usually loud. Mainly cause he has lots of friends and basically knows everyone since you can get along with him greatly.
🪭 complains about a lot of subjects. Math? He hates it. Biology? It gives him big brain moment and he doesn’t get it. Literature? Not Chinese? He don’t want anything to do with it.
🪭 ‘Ma’am i’m innocent, why does thou must bestows such suffering upon me?’ ‘Qin i just asked you if you could read page 34 out loud’
🪭 popular with girls. U know how bro rizzed up Alvitr? Yeah he does that with other girls too. He’s one of the popular dudes so it’s not like it’s hard either💀
🪭He’s a kpop stan. You can’t prove me otherwise. He listens to BTS, Straykidz, Ateez, KAI, EXO, Tri.be, Itzy and a lot more.
🪭 has lots of friends to the point he almost knows the whole school. Even the new comers.
🪭He a player actually. You know how bro had like idk 39291819101 concubines? Yeah that doesn’t change here either. ‘Hannah? She was In February. Mao mao? She’s so last week’
🪭Throws house parties. The extravagant ones too. Big house, a pool, big garden, many floors. You name it. Funny thing is: it aint even the main house.
🪭won the vote for: ‘Who will most likely become a stripper at the end of the school year?’ In the year books. Most think it’s not even cause he needs money but because he’ll do it for fun
🪭 passed out during the School Gala cause he heard someone say that Sushi is Japanese.
🪭doesn’t eat cafeterias food. ‘I, Qin Shi Huang, refuse to eat this….stuff…I have my own glorious food. You’ll never catch him eat anything that isn’t Asian food.
🪭Bothers ppl during lectures. As in he turns and just stares. He’ll either smile or just keep staring to annoy you.
🪭 always goes to school functions, yet ends up being the one yall wait for to go back. He just disappears when yall arrive and spawns back 34 min late.
🪭Has started a campaign for trips to China
🪭 Had a lot of baby momma’s. He a cool dad and rich enough for it. Lowkey knows how to be a dad too
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🔱 he’s in the school’s swimming team and even won awards for it.
🔱 straight A+ student. He a boring one okay. He dont party, doesn’t even hang out after school. Straight home and learning.
🔱 You’ll only catch him drinking water during breaks and eating nutritious. He actually enjoys salad’s. Especially when it’s middle eastern ones. Does he know what’s in it? He thinks. But he dont care. If it healthy and it bussing it works for him.
🔱 ‘My body is a temple’ ahh student. It wouldn’t be surprising if his ass did Yoga or some meditation.
🔱 only goes to school trips if it’s on the beach or it’s for a grade. He the type of person that actually does the assignment instead of having fun.
🔱 he doesn’t have many friends and usually sticks to his brothers or has his earphones in. He’s the one that’s usually silent during that time too
🔱 He’s the honor graduate. Didn’t give a speech tho. He just grabbed the diploma and dipped. He did grab some food that was prepared
🔱 actually has a gf??🤨 like legit, and she’s the captain of the swimming team. He lowkey simps but he’s Poseidon so you probably will never notice.
🔱 was at a house party once. ONCE. Bro got wasted. He didn’t know punch contained alcohol, bro thought it was lemonade. Ate too much with alcohol in his system. I think yall can guess that it didn’t end well for em😭
🔱 He wears casual clothes, sometimes blazers. He doesn’t like yoga pants cause they look ‘lanky’ not even during Yoga
🔱 He takes notes during classes. Like every class. Every moment. He either writes them or types it on his laptop. Only shared with ppl likes. It’s always organized too.
🔱 if you’re partnered up with him, it can go two ways. He’s either doing only his part and leaves you to fend for yourself. Or he helps (rare sight) with the difficult parts.
🔱 he prefers communicating in the chat document. That way he can be home and still communicate if he needs to, he doesn’t like calling cause his brothers are loud asf, and he wouldn’t talk until necessary.
🔱 supports the school library. Mostly because it’s quiet and he likes quiet, but also because he wants to read a lot and it’s an excuse to not go home. He usually studies there too.
🔱 goes to waterparks during school breaks and posts pics on insta. Insta only too. No snap, no facebook, no bereal, no nothing. Even if he does have it, he doesn’t want others to know.
🔱 surprisingly has discord. But it’s only to play games. He curses ppl out in voice chat.
🔱 would either never have kids or ends up being a teenage dad. Dw tho, his gf can support him if he ends up being a stay at home husband.
🔱 models for extra money. Mostly tight clothes cause they gotta use that body for good advertisement.
🔱 he also hits the gym regularly, so he posts pics about him at the gym too.
🔱 has an onlyfans?????
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🎭 probably sees the school therapist. Every month too. They give him candy.
🎭 Actually likes literature, art, music and surprisingly p.e🤨 he likes p.e cause he can get his mind off things and look good
🎭 probably has or is in an emo phase. He has his ear pierced and wears black cargo pants. Might even have some tattoo’s.
🎭 He either annoys ppl or is very quiet. Although ppl are mostly scared when he’s quiet cause he unpredictable.
🎭 He probably goes out for walks with his earphones in after school. Like y’know when it’s raining a lil and you can smell the grass n all while you listen to music? Yeah that’s his nostalgic experience.
🎭 He writes poems in his free times or spents a lot of time in the atelier.
🎭 Had a very messy break up with sigyn and it was the hot topic in the school. It was in the school’s newspaper and everything. Even the teachers knew
🎭 he listens to a lot of music. Mostly during making art or writing. He mostly listens to: Mitsuki, Chase Atlantic, Beach Weather, The Weekend, Tylor the Creator and The Neighborhood.
🎭He either hates or loves school trips. Even if he hates the school trip he still goes, mainly because Sigyn goes. But he won’t talk to her though. Cause he too scared.
🎭 He takes aesthetically pleasing pictures of different things. He has a nature page, a dark royal one and a school one. All of em are on insta though.
🎭 he does sometimes go to parties, but he either spends a lot of time with his friends and gets wasted or goes home early.
🎭He’s friends with Hercules and Ares. Who are mostly concerned for his well being.
🎭 he also might have gotten into heavy metal and vkei. His ass might may have since it cause Sigyn likes it.
🎭 if you pared with him you, he either does stuff ir leaves it and does it on the last moment before tge deadline. His ass likes working alone. Secretly prays to be put w Sigyn
🎭 Legit had a mental breakdown in class once. I think bro is used to having em.
🎭 Got voted to be one of those pissy teachers later on in life in the year book.
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That’s all for now💀 might make a part two w more characters.
⭐️tag list⭐️ @miss-seanymph-pani @tinyy-tea-cup @heldril @nicasdreamer @monstertreden @riseofamoonycake @imperfectbloodmoon @salmonpoki @snowmantita @rukia-writes @swallowtail-lotus @brokensenseofhumor @bromeliae
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megumishousewife · 6 months ago
Megumi x Chubby! Gamer Part 2
A/N: I'm so sorry I kept yall waiting for part two, college life was kicking my butt but (double butt) please enjoy bae🫶🏽
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It wasn’t even a full 24 hours and you were trending on Twitter overnight. You saw that you had gained at least half a million subscribers on all of your platforms, not to mention how you were tagged in many videos about Megumi. Ignoring your growing fame, you opened your Twitter page and saw the poll that you had uploaded last night to see that over 95% of voters wanted you to meet your favorite streamer. You were shocked by how many people were so engrossed with your little crush that it caused you to laugh.
“Wow, it’s 10 AM and Twitter is losing their mind,” You mumbled to yourself.
You knew that you were not exactly ready to meet Megs in person because you already know with no established meeting of any kind is just bound to cause an awkward interaction. You thought about another solution while you handled the business portion of your day, responding to emails and accepting sponsors. While answering after answering an email from an Indie horror game creator, you stumbled upon a message in your inbox that you were not expecting. The sender read Megumi Fushiguro with the subject topic being “possible collab?”. You felt your heart drop to your stomach. The feeling of the world closing in on you was prevalent in this moment. Your YouTube crush….WANTS TO COLLAB?! You took the time to thank your fans in your head as you read the email, trying to contain your need to burst into tears of joy. The email reads:
Dear Y/N,
I’m pleased to see that our fans are interested in us growing a bond with each other. I, as well, was interested in you and your content so I wanted to ask if you were interested if you would like to do a video together. Let me know your answer and please follow up with ideas. Thank you for your time!
Megumi Fushiguro
You tried your hardest to not squeal in excitement. You read the entire email all over again, just imagining it in his voice and you gushed about how cute he would probably sound trying to be serious. You took a moment to respond, gather your thoughts and try to be as professional as possible.
Dear Mr. Fushiguro,
Sorry for being so formal, but I would love to do a collab with you! I’m sorry for the social media uproar, I bet you're not used to THIS kind of attention. I would like to play “It Takes Two” since it’s more of a duo game anyways. If you could tell me a day that is good with you, I can clear my schedule. Thanks!
You flopped on your bed and kicked your feet giddily for a split second. You looked at your clock and decided to do an early morning stream to thank your audience and tell them your surprise (you couldn’t wait because you would have tweeted that you're doing a video with your crush). Getting back into influencer mode, you started setting up your lighting for your stream as the intermission screen was on for your viewers so they couldn’t see you and your nervous jitters. Sitting down, you took a quick breather before clicking your fans over to see your facecam.
“Hi guys! There’s about 5,000 of you guys here. I know I just saw you guys yesterday but I missed you all! Welcome back, welcome back. As you can tell by the title of this stream, I have a special announcement for all of you! Let’s allow a few more people to come in and I will make my announcement.
While you and your fans waited, you said hello to a few people, some asked you how your morning has been so far. Others asked about your Youtube content and you replied holding a finger over your lips, smiling. After ten minutes of friendly chatting, you decided to drop the bomb.
You began, “Before I tell you my announcement, I just wanted to thank you guys for even making this possible. For all your hashtags and tweets to bring attention to little ole me, I thank you all. Sooo, yo get to the point for you guys… I am currently working on collabing with Megs and I can’t wait to start filming for it!”
You saw your chat blow up with “Let’s go” or “you finna get your manz” and all you could do was giggle at how supportive your fans were.
“Guys, relax. All we are doing is playing a game and no, you won’t find out until I release the video.”
You got an email notification and saw that it was from Megumi and it said: “Open it on stream ;)”. Your mouth dropped open and you looked at your webcam.
“Megs wants you guys to see his recent email.”
Your chat was going crazy, asking if you read it yet or just straight up telling you to read it.
“No, I have not read the email yet. We can all read it together.”
You shared your screen with your chat and began reading the email to them. It reads:
Y/N, I’m pleased to work and get closer to you in the future. When you’re done with your stream, send me an email with your number so I can call you.
All you could do was scream in the mic while your fans spammed W’s in the chat, probably having the same reaction as you.
Nobara smiled hard at the screen watching your priceless reaction.
She said, “My god, Yuji, I think you made this girl lose her mind over Megumi. Gosh, she’s so cute.”
Behind her, Megumi had Yuji in a chokehold while Yuji tried to wiggle out of his grasp.
“Look, Megumi,” Yuji said, “She’s happy about the email and you’re overreacting! Don’t get mad at me because I tried to add a little rizz to your emails.”
Megumi released Yuji, “ I was trying to be professional and you-”. Megumi’s face was turned by Yuji, forcing him to continue to look at your blushing face on stream as you spoke highly about him with a smile on your face, admiring your chubby face radiating on his big screen. He slapped Yuji’s hands away and walked towards his kitchen, blushing.
Nobara high-fived Yuji and whispered, “Good job, Cupid!”
taglist!: @definitely-notalissa (as promised babes🤞🏽)
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asktheemotions · 7 months ago
PART 3 of: What would've happened if the other emotions didn't forgive Anxiety?
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Uh oh. You can see on this part I 100% gave up on coloring. I swear to god I'm never doing that much detail on a single ask again, I hope you all enjoyed it while it lasted.
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marciaillust · 7 months ago
I am in the process of succumbing to The Social Media FOBF (fear of being forgotten) so I'm gonna write a little update post (˶˃⤙˂˶)
With Ecdysis finally wrapped up I have officially entered the rest period. I'm not gonna lie to yall, I have never crashed emotionally so badly after a project, to point creativity seems like a chore. Some would even call it a burnout.
But I also know that I am currently in the most hectic part of the year, the prophesized summer of horrors I saw the writing on the wall for already in December '23, and this situation is not contributing to my journey of resting at all.
They are not real horrors and I am merely jesting but the situation is still somewhat emotionally taxing in a very normal and predictable way. Anyone who had to move back in with their family past the ripe age of 26 can probably relate, being in a position where you're expected to revert to your old role (of the eldest daughter, in my case) can be challenging, especially when those pants don't fit you anymore. But it is what it is, and it's temporary, too. (And it's not all bad, I love my family and my family love me lots.)
There's this flat I will be moving into, finally a place I plan to live in long term, unlike all these previous house shares and flats I've lived in 1 year max as a student or a young young adult. But that place requires a ground up renovation and to be furnished and if you ever had to spend your weekends driving around town looking for tiles you know that it's its own brand of taxing. Alongside all this, it's work as usual. And I paint for a living so. little rest in the creative department there, too.
All this to say I am just really tired. Really really tired. Really really really tired. It will pass, but currently my time is not my time - it belongs to everyone around me.
And it will pass, it will pass. And I'll rest and find the space to be creative. Though "burnt out" I think I'm slowly starting to brim with potential creative pursuits. But before I do anything the summer of horros must settle into the autumn of resting.
I am positively ITCHING to draw the Clockmaster. If you've spent this long reading (puts a hand on your shoulder) buddy there are already 5 new clockmaster pages in existence. Fresh of the press, 2024 made, still warm still sizzling. I drew them last month between days of packing Ecdysis orders. They will stay in the vault for now because as I said in previous TCM related posts I plan to release the story in big meaningful chunks now rather than page by page like I used to. So it will be some time before you see them. But brother (squeezes the hand that is still on your shoulder) (visibly tears up) it's so good to be feeding the brainworms again. Orion I love you Rosie I love you Garret I love you Catherine I love you and- and- and there is a new character joining us too! You haven't seem him yet, obviously, but I think you could easily guess who he is. I can't wait for all of you to meet him.
I'll see you on the other side friends!!!
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hopelesslyromanticshark · 1 month ago
hi hi hi!
first and foremost, I MISSED YALL SO MUCHHHHH!! you've all welcomed me back so warmly, I don't even feel like I left in the first place!!
instead of reply to everyone's lovely and sweet messages in the comments of my last post, i've decided to cover all my bases with a new post!
so...a few life updates!
i've just started my second (!) semester of college in BOSTON! i love this city more than i thought i would and i'm so beyond grateful to be here. though, i have been settled with an evil and demented child as a roommate and she goes out of her way to make my life hellish but i've stopped letting her get to me (as much as i can, anyways).
i'm still a journalism major, happily with an english minor that might be turned into a double major depending on a few things. I'm a part of my school's newspaper and i'm getting published weekly. oh! and because of my dedication to the paper, within my first semester they promoted me the editor of the opinion section! so, overall, loving school and beyond grateful to be getting an education.
i've decided to make a comeback because, over winter break, i started re-reading the books. and i FLEW through them. which isn't all that surprising as i'm a college student and they were written with middle schoolers in mind. but, i completely fell back in love with every aspect of it. which made me realize how much i missed this part of my life too!
now, again, i'm a college student who is heavily involved with her school newspaper. I already do enough writing to make me almost (not quite) hate it lmao. so, posting will be about as sporadic as before! nothing new on that front lmao-
anyways, my current plan is to give the page a bit of a refresh. maybe i'll go through requests but i've got 40 of 'em rn, so idk if i want to just delete them all and start fresh or go through and write the ones i feel like??? idk idk still deciding. I'm also going to be taking this slow because I think part of the reason i disappeared was because i kinda burnt myself out. so we're gonna try and avoid that this time around!!
all in all, i cannot wait to get back into the swing of things and i'm so happy to see so many familiar faces along with new ones!
from the bottom of my heart, thank you for having me back !!
all my love,
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elliespeach · 2 years ago
tear you apart part two | ellie williams
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pairing ellie wiliams x fem reader synopsis ellie owns her own vinyl store and the day you wander in changes both of your lives forever. she quickly becomes infatuated with you, desperate for your love that she believes is meant to be. when things in your life begin to spiral, ellie is there to catch you, but you'd never suspect she was the reason you fell in the first place. wordcount: 3.8k warnings: stalking both cyber and in person, ellie is obsessive, manipulative, a gaslighter, a pervert lowkey, possessive and easily jealous, shes also so delusional like top tier delulu, shes based off joe goldberg so i mean put the pieces together. this is all from her perspective, most if not all of the inner monologue is ellie's thoughts about you, the italics is verbatim what she is thinking in that very moment if that makes sense. like joe, all of her actions are justified in her mind, and she doesn't see anything wrong with them. reader has a dysfunctional family. pls lmk if i am missing something! authors note: obsessive ellie nation RISE, bit of a twist in this one hope shes yummy!!! i have plans i can not share w you yet but i am so hype for the next part, yall should be too, anyway... happy reading
ellie sat in the corner of the bar waiting for you and your friends to show up. she had gotten here way too early, but it gave her time to canvas the bar. the bartenders were swamped with orders, the band playing on the small stage were taking a brief intermission– which ellie was grateful for because she didn’t see the appeal. it was quite crowded, working in ellie’s favor. while she waited for you, her fingers were dancing over her phone any second she got. 
firstly, she checked in on you. no instagram posts, stories, twitter updates, nothing to indicate you were going out. finally taking steps to protect yourself, good girl. then, she set her focus on finding this woman. she copy and pasted the phone number into google, loading…loading…loading… god this wifi fucking sucks…
when the circle of death vanished, nothing came of the phone number. the white pages had nothing to report on, the links were dead ends and ellie sat back in her chair with a huff, annoyed by the anonymity of this woman. her thoughts were interrupted when she saw the door to the bar open and your friends and you strolled in. she slouched over, bringing her head down but her eyes remained fixed on you. shauna was the last one to come through the door, but she quickly brought herself to the front of the group and sat you all down at a table nearly across the bar. 
ellie rolled her eyes, knowing she would have to move to get closer. so she did, keeping her head down as she went through the small crowd to the other end of the bar. from this seat, your back was turned from her and she felt a little disappointed that she couldn’t see your face, but decided it was for the better. shauna immediately started to order drinks, a round of shots and margaritas on top of it. whats the occasion? 
she had to focus real hard, but she was able to make out the conversation happening. 
“okay, okay, but seriously, i have something to tell you guys,” shauna started to speak as the waiter was placing their drinks down at the table. 
“god, you’re pregnant!” dina shouted to the table, and ellie could hear your laugh clear as day. the same laugh that was used for her just two weeks ago. god, how she missed you. 
shauna scoffed, “i’m not pregnant!” 
then you chimed in, your voice sounding sweet as ever over the rowdiness of the bar, “then whats so important? should i down this shot beforehand?” you playfully picked up the shot from the table, ready to take it and ellie’s eyes didn’t leave you for a second. 
shauna gracefully pushed your hand down, the shot back on the table and she spoke again, “i’m moving to california at the end of summer,”
the mood at the table became somber at her words, the girls looking around to each other. “sorry, what?” cat spoke up, sipping her margarita. 
ellie smirked, taking a sip of her own drink. not a bad idea, shauna. sure, she knew you would be upset and she was prepared to be there for you to get over losing your best friend, but in time you’ll realize that shauna was never your friend to begin with, she just liked having you around to boost her up. 
“like your whole family? or just you?” you asked her, and when shauna replied saying her whole family, your head snapped back and ellie could see that the shot glass you had in your hands was now empty. 
“why?” cat spoke again, glancing around the table to you and dina. 
“nevermind on why, i just want to have a good night! let’s get drunk–” she called over the waiter with a snap of her fingers, classy. her eyes met the waiters and then went to you, “another shot for my friend.” 
“give me two, please,” you spoke kindly to the waiter, and ellie’s grip on her own drink tightened. no way shauna leaving was upsetting you this much? how could it? ellie reminded herself that you had been friends with her for years, and even despite shauna being the way she is, she’s still your best friend. she wanted to give you a hug, tell you that it was for the better, but she knew she couldn’t. at least, not right now. 
the bartender took ellie out of her gaze, “another one?” he said, pointing to her empty glass. ellie shook her head no, if you were going to get plastered, she needed to make sure she was okay to watch over you. the band started to play again and it rang in ellie’s ears, making it difficult to hear the conversation at the table. 
the waiter brought the shots over, and everyone took them almost instantly. using their margaritas as a chaser, ellie’s eyes rolled again. the next thirty minutes was her just keeping an eye on you while you continued to get more and more drunk. you mumbled out that you had to “break the seal.” and you got up and stumbled over to the bathroom door. ellie could see everything from her seat, so instead of blowing her cover she stayed in the bar chair. 
ellie wasn’t a girls girl by any means, but she knew that once someone in the group walked away, the shit talking would commence. you had barely opened the door to the bathroom when shauna started. shauna, out of everyone. shes not your friend. “shes taking it kinda hard, isnt she?” 
“i’ve seen her more drunk that this.” dina laughed, keeping her voice low as if you could hear her. 
“oh yeah, the night she nearly got hit by that cab walking back to her apartment was the drunkest i’ve seen her,” cat laughed with dina, and shauna stayed neutral. 
“no but like, me leaving, shes taking it kind of hard, right?” 
dina looked to cat, then back to shauna, “i mean, yeah i guess. you’re her best friend.” 
is that a smile, shauna?
“i hate to be the one making her feel like that,” shauna pouted, now seeking the attention of her other friends. 
“no, no, it’s not your fault–” dina gushed. 
“yeah, it’s like, thats on her, you know? you can’t control how anyone feels except for you.” cat said softly, placing an arm on shauna’s shoulder. 
jesus christ, the therapy words. where did you people come from? 
before they could continue talking, you returned from the bathroom, bumping into the table lightly before sitting down. “another shot?” you asked them, seeing their drinks were empty. you had at least double the shots they’ve taken, no, no more shots. tell her no. 
“yes!” shauna said enthusiastically, ordering more for the table. when they arrived they were gone within seconds. ellie was finding it hard to hold back, she wanted to take you by the arm and walk you home herself. though, it seemed with every shot you took, your mood brightened. you were laughing, loudly, and making jokes with your friends. it seemed like you had completely forgotten about the departure of your best friend. ellie was happy you weren’t upset anymore, but the level of drunk you were worried her. 
that's until someone was standing behind shauna, and when ellie’s eyes wandered up to see who it was, she almost choked on her spit but quickly repressed it. it was the older woman and she was looking directly into your eyes, your laughter had subsided from the previous joke and you went silent, crossing your arms and shifting in your seat. 
the woman's eyes left yours quickly, and she placed a hand on shauna’s shoulder. shauna turned around, seeing the woman and got up from her seat, embracing her in a hug. “hey mom! what’re you doing here?”
mom? you’re fucking your best friends mom? ellie nearly fell off her high top seat, for the first time that night she took her eyes off of you, turning towards the bar just to take it all in. no, no, you’re a sweetheart. you wouldn’t do that, would you? ellie’s mind was racing, but her image of you never faltered in her mind because she quickly figured out just what was going on. 
your own parents leave you to move across the country and your best friend lets you move into her place until you get your own. she recalls one of your tweets she stumbled upon from a year ago,  
@yndoesartstuff: tfw ur moving into ur besties childhood home bc ur own parents dont want u
  —— @shuanamavisxx: my parents want u! adopted child frfr
yeah, they want you alright… 
shauna’s mom must have been very supportive of you, for you to fall for her trap anyway. that kind of attention from a mother must have felt good, and ellie decided that shuana’s mom knew what she was doing. prying on your own neglectful mommy issues to get into your pants. shes a fucking predator. ellie knew you were a grown woman, but shauna’s mom was clearly in her fifties, thats being nice, and she found it fucking disgusting that her mom would do that to you. and then to have the audacity to make you so dependant on her that you beg her for attention over texts. 
ellie was seething. 
and apparently so were you, because you quickly got up from the table, excusing yourself with a quick, “be right back!” trying to sound as chipper as possible, but ellie knew. 
you came up to the bar and ellie swiftly lowered her head into her phone. you were too drunk to notice, but ellie heard you order yourself yet another shot. she almost said no outloud, but refrained herself, feeling the heat in her body build up. but the bartender had her back, “you're cut off. here's a water.” he handed you a cold glass of water and your eyes rolled. 
“pleasseeee? im not even that drunk!” you fired back, pushing the water back towards him. he looked you up and down, and you smiled at him, holding up just one finger and mouthing the word please over and over again. the bartender caved, pouring you another shot. 
what a fucking idiot. 
he gave you the shot, which you took almost instantly. you stumbled back to the table with your friends, shauna’s mom still there making conversation. and ellie turned to the bartender, “are you blind? shes wasted,” 
the guy shrugged, “shes a good tipper.” 
ellie scoffed, turning her attention back to the table. 
“so wait mom, why are you here?” shauna asked, sitting back down in her seat. 
“i’m actually on a date,” her mom smiled, making quick eye contact with you before doing so with dina and cat to not seem suspicious. she pointed to a table near the band and when ellie looked, it was a man that sat at the table. 
“its not a date if you’re married,” shauna rolled her eyes, a laugh slipping out with her words. she turned and faced the man at the table, waving passionately at who ellie assumed to be her father. ellie was sick just watching, and she couldn’t imagine how you felt. she’s just taunting you at this point. 
ellie could see you shifting uncomfortably in your seat and soon enough you pulled out your phone. since your back was to her, ellie could see your screen was blank, but you muttered, “sorry gotta take this guys,” before you got up and left the bar, putting the phone up to your ears as if you were actually on the phone.
they let you leave without a second thought. don't they see how drunk you are? she was on her feet, pulling her wallet out of her pocket to put a twenty on the counter before storming out of the bar herself. she glanced around once she was outside, it had grown dark but she could spot you from a mile away. 
you were trying to wave down a cab, way too close to the road for her liking. you were crying too, and ellie’s heart sank at the sight. while waving down a cab, you checked your phone, the bright screen nearly blinding you as you did but your fingers were quick to type. your feet kept going as you typed to try and keep yourself up right, you were swaying and teetering all around the sidewalk. all of the cabs went past you, not wanting to pick up a drunk girl who might vomit in their car. your phone fell out of your hands as you were trying to type, landing harshly on the sidewalk and ellie stepped forward just a bit, ready to lie her way out of how she came to find you like this. 
as you bent down to pick up your phone, a man got it before you could. he held it out for you and as you went to reach for it, he pulled it away at the last second. because of course he did. there was only about five seconds of back and forth between you and this guy before ellie’s feet started to jog over to you. she heard the tail of the conversation as she approached. 
“...i’ll give it back if you agree to have drinks with me.” he spoke in a ragged voice, he was head to toe in dirt and grim. typical male, its disgusting. you didn’t deserve this.
“no, just give me my phone!” you shouted back at him, words slurred to oblivion. 
ellie didn’t waste a second. “she said no, man.” she came to your side, putting her arm in front of you to block him. she saw you stare at her out of the corner of her eye but she kept her focus on the guy. 
“a guy can’t try?” he said with a small laugh, still holding your phone out of reach. 
“if shes saying no, then take the fucking hint.” ellie could feel herself getting angier, the heat in her body rising to her cheeks and her one fist balled up by her side. she doesn’t want to think about what would have happened if she wasn’t here, but her mind plagues her with it. im your hero. and this guy is about to fucking die. 
“maybe i’ll keep it, sell it for some money,” he taunted, examining the phone like a douchebag. ellie had it under control, she knew this guy would cave eventually, at least one way or another. but you had other plans and when you tried to reach for the phone in his hands he slapped your arm away. 
ellie fully stepped in front of you, her jaw tightening as she did, and the guy continued to run his mouth. “what? this your fucking bitch or something?” 
she didn’t even think about it, her fist coming up strong and squaring this guy in his nose. he stumbled back, dropping your phone to the sidewalk yet again. she shook her fist in pain as you quickly grabbed your phone from the ground. his nose was bleeding and he was clinging to it like he was going to die. 
you were laughing, which is the last thing ellie expected. your laughter was ringing in her ears as the guy started to get back up, very slowly. “shit, c’mon!” you laughed again, way too drunk, but you did something else ellie wasn’t expecting, you took her hand and started to run in the opposite direction. she obviously followed you, sprinting beside you down the streets of new york until it felt like a good amount of distance had passed. 
turning one last corner you both slowed to a stop, you were trying to regulate your breathing as ellie checked around the corner before turning back to you. “you okay?” 
“i’m-i’m great,” you sighed, still catching your breath. youre still drunk. way too drunk. “you look so–” 
“let me take you home, you’re drunk,” 
“i’m not drunk and i know you from somewh–” 
“you are drunk, at least let me get you a cab,” 
“the vinyl store!” 
shit. “oh, oh yeah, i remember you.” ellie stammered out, hoping your level of drunkenness would hide her stumble. 
“ellie, right?” you slurred and ellie nodded her head, “oh shit, thats what i kept forgetting to do, i need that album you recommended me!” 
ouch. if you didn’t have the day you’ve had, or better yet, the past two weeks, ellie would be more upset. was our interaction that forgettable for you? no, it couldn’t possibly be, you were flirting with me. and now you stand here telling me you forgot about me? she tells herself it’s because you’re drunk, you’d never say these things to her if you were sober. 
“come by anytime for it, it’s no biggie,” it’s not like i made sure it was perfect for you within the hour. 
“how about now?” 
“no, no the stores closed and you should get home,” ellie knew you would persist, she just wanted to see it. 
“please,” you dragged out, putting on the prettiest smile you could. “i’m not that drunk, plus i could use the pick me up.” 
ellie smiled, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small key. “you’re lucky i carry this with me,” she said with a light-hearted laugh. “it’s only a few blocks this way, can you make the walk?” 
“jesus, i am not that drunk!” you laughed along with her, starting to walk in the right direction. “look,” ellie watched as you started to walk in a straight line, arms out to keep your balance. 
you stumbled a bit, and you definitely weren’t walking in a straight line. you’re adorable. “wow, i’ve never seen anyone more sober.” ellie mocked you while you regained your balance. 
“thank you,” you replied, ignoring her sarcasm and you returned to walking normally beside her. “what a coincidence you ran into me.” 
“yeah, really weird, huh?” ellie faked a laugh, stuffing her hands in her pockets and keeping her eyes forward. 
“well, i owe you for helping me out,” you held out your phone, which was now cracked. “and for the album.” 
she shook her head, “nah, you don’t owe me anything.” 
after a few more minutes of walking the store came into sight, sitting between two large buildings, the closed sign burning red in the window. ellie pulled the key out of her pocket and started to unlock the door, with you happily standing idle behind her. 
she held the door open for you to go in first, it was dark inside and the smell of wooden boxes was pungent. but as ellie stepped in behind you and flicked on the light switch, the store came to life. “wait here, it’s in the back.” 
ellie went through the beads into her back office, searching around in her desk until she found it. it was sitting next to the red thong she had swiped from your apartment and when she pulled the vinyl from the drawer and spun around, you were right behind her. “it’s seriously creepy back here,” you took notice, looking around the small room while ellie slammed the drawer shut. 
you weren’t wrong, and that’s why ellie had asked you to stay up front. the paint had begun peeling off the walls years ago, and the room was only lit up by a bare bulb at the top of the room. “this where you keep your victims?” you joked, dropping your voice and toying with the papers on her desk. 
“not here, i got somewhere else i keep them,” ellie returned your joke, although she wasn’t exactly joking. but you don’t have to worry your pretty little head about that. “here, pink floyd’s best album at least, in my opinion.” 
you gracefully took it from her hands, examining it before looking back to her. “thanks,” anything for you. anything. 
you both wandered out of the back of the store, and ellie could sense that shauna’s mom was still plaguing your thoughts. you had gone quiet, staring longingly at the album in your hands. “you wanna tell me why you were so upset before?” she asked casually, flicking off the light in the back room. 
you sighed, “i’m a mess, that’s all.”  you leaned against the counter and ellie positioned herself behind it, just like how we met. 
ellie didn’t mind that you wouldn’t open up to her, to be fair you both were still basically strangers. strangers that flirt. strangers that save each other from themselves. 
“relationships suck,” 
“how’d you know it was about that?” 
ellie blinked, think, idiot, think. “well i mean, you got wasted and you were crying. i kinda just took a guess,” 
“you got me there,” you laughed, taking in a deep breath. “people never change, i can’t seem to get that through my head.” 
“the right people will,” was all ellie replied with, a small smile appearing on her face. 
“yeah, yeah you’re right.” there was silence for a moment as you both held eye contact before you broke away with an embarrassed smile. 
“you deserve better than whatever this asshole is putting you through, you know that?” 
“you don’t know me,” you said shyly, the drunkenness wearing off. “i could be horrible and deserve it.” 
“i highly doubt that,” ellie knew what you were thinking, if she only knew i was fucking my best friends mom. ellie didn’t care, she knew who you were. if it wasn’t for that borderline predator, you wouldn’t be in this position to begin with. she wanted you regardless. she needed you regardless. 
“yeah well, thanks ellie. i should get home, like you said i’m a little drunk.” 
“a little?” ellie laughed, earning a scoff from you.
you playfully pushed her shoulder back, “i can hold my liquor, thank you very much!” 
ellie ordered you a cab to take you home, she would’ve walked you home herself but you insisted on a cab, not wanting to bother her. ellie would end up at her usual spot across the street from your place anyway, so she didn’t fight it, knowing she would see you soon. 
she glared up from the sidewalk while you shut your door behind you, pulling your cracked phone out of your pocket. it didn’t take long for you to throw it to the couch with a huff, probably an unanswered text from shauna’s mom. ellie sighed, she would have hoped your little run in with her would have lifted your mood but as you sat down on your couch, slowly starting to cry once again, she knew it was a lot deeper than you were letting on. 
you won’t be upset for much longer, i’ll make sure of it. 
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ taglist: @aouiaa @kissmxcheek @mcqsx @spaceshipellie @strgrlxox @machetegirl109 @uraesthete
656 notes · View notes
notiddygothgf · 6 months ago
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4. Taste Like Nicotine
★ pairings: aki hayakawa x fem reader
★ ❝ Go back to Himeno. ❞ ❝ No. That's not what you want. ❞
★ c.w.: suggestive themes, drinking (more content warnings and tags)
★ a/n: HELLO AGAIN MY POOKIE DOOKIES!! IM BACK AGAIN. bc i have nothing better to do atm and i wanted to give yall a lil sum sum before i moved away to uni. please excuse the pacing of this chapter -- this fanfic was supposed to be a oneshot and uh... now its 160 pages in google docs LMFAOOA.. things get spicy in this chapterrr! so yeah anyway, you know the drill, keep me entertained -- keep your funny little comments coming, I absolutely love reading them. You guys motivate me to keep going! Love yall
★ w.c.;4.1k
shameless ; chapter index
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THE OFFICE WAS QUIET, the hum of fluorescent lights and the occasional rustling of papers the only sounds that broke the silence. You were alone, finishing up some last-minute paperwork after hours. The mission had gone surprisingly well—no casualties, a rare feat in your line of work. The team had even managed to kill a large Devil containing a piece of Gun Devil Flesh, a significant victory. Yet, instead of joining the others to celebrate, you had chosen to stay behind. Partly to avoid any awkward encounters with Himeno, but mostly because you felt restless, unable to shake off the events of the past few days.
As you finished up the last of your reports, you glanced at the new message on your phone.
HIMENO| you didn't come tonight.
| I didn't think you'd wanna see me after the stunt I pulled.
HIMENO| I dont, but I wanted u to know that everyone is talking abt u
| ??
| wym
| your shadow didn't come tonight, either.
YOU| look, himeno, ive actually been wanting to talk to you about that
| would you be able to meet up and talk it out?
HIMENO| id rather not honestly.
| ur a grown woman and i cant stop u from doing what u want
| but just know that people in pb. safety talk
| dont mess up a relationship with a perfectly good man for aki
| u should leave him for someone who can actually give him what he needs
YOU| I understand that I've hurt you, Himeno, and I'm sorry
| I have no intentions of being with Aki.
HIMENO| good
| dont get him mixed up in ur fucked up marriage
|  he doesnt deserve that.
You sighed, pocketing your phone. There were certain battles you simply couldn't win. This would undoubtedly be one of them.
It was late, and you knew you should head home. You gathered your things and made your way down the dimly lit hallways, your footsteps echoing in the emptiness.
As you passed the breakroom, you heard voices. One familiar voice, more specifically.
You slowed your pace, not wanting to intrude but curious enough to catch a snippet of the conversation. The door was slightly ajar, and you could see two figures inside.
"You look desperate, dude," the unknown person said, barely audible. "It's not attractive."
"I'm becoming ridiculous," Captain Hayakawa said, his voice low and strained. "I'm losing hope."
"Hope of what? Convincing a married woman to break her vows?" the other person retorted, a hint of incredulity in his tone.
Are they talking about me? You asked. You knew the answer. You simply did not want to confront it.
Hayakawa sighed. "I thought she would call me by now," he admitted, the vulnerability in his voice making your stomach churn uncomfortably. "I just... there was something there."
There was a pause, then the other person sighed, his voice softening. "God, you are ridiculous." After a moment, he added, almost reluctantly, "Shit, sorry, man. I know you like her."
"No, you're right," He replied, a note of resignation following his words. "She doesn't want to speak to me. I'm driving myself crazy waiting for someone who's never gonna call."
You felt a knot tighten in your stomach, guilt and confusion swirling together. You hadn't intended to eavesdrop, but now you couldn't just walk away without feeling a pang of something—regret, perhaps? The slip of paper with his number, still in your possession, weighed heavily in your mind. You had been avoiding the situation, avoiding him, and now it was clear how much it had affected him.
Aki's words echoed in your ears as you stood frozen in the hallway.
He was right; you hadn't called him. You hadn't even acknowledged the note, too caught up in your own turmoil and guilt to consider his feelings. Now, hearing him speak so openly, you felt a rush of emotions—sympathy, guilt, confusion. There had been a moment between you, an undeniable spark, but you had chosen to ignore it, to pretend it didn't exist.
When would it all come crashing down – your efforts? This whole situation?
The conversation in the breakroom continued, but you couldn't listen any longer. You turned away, your heart pounding. As you made your way to the exit, you couldn't help but replay Aki's words in your mind.
He had been waiting for you, hoping you would reach out, and now he was losing hope. Fuck.
He had been waiting for me.
The idea thrilled you, for some strange reason. Maybe because you hadn't felt desired like this in years – it made your head spin. But another part of you was terrified—of what it might mean, of the complications it would bring, of the impact on your marriage.
You couldn't help yourself. You did what you always did. You ran away from him.
You knew you couldn't avoid him forever, but for now, you needed time to think. .
7:45 PM
Hey. |
Hello, |
How are you? |
Hey. They're taking me out for drinks tn as a sendoff party. I think you should be there.
YOU | Hey. They're taking me out for drinks tn as a sendoff party.
I think you should be there.
| At the Sip-n-savor in downtown Tokyo
Seen 8:00 PM .
The night went on without a flaw. The atmosphere was infectious, and you had been trying to let loose, drink in hand, as you chatted and danced with the others. But as the night wore on, a sense of unease settled in. Maybe it was the drinks, maybe it was the memories of the overheard conversation in the breakroom, or maybe it was the subtle disappointment that someone hadn't shown up.
Excusing yourself, you made your way to the bathroom. The mirror reflected your flushed cheeks and slightly smudged makeup. You sighed, turning on the faucet and splashing some water on your face. As you washed your hands, you found yourself thinking about Aki.
Despite everything, a depraved part of you had hoped to see him tonight. You had been both relieved and disappointed when he hadn't shown up—relieved because it meant avoiding an awkward conversation, disappointed because you had been... well, actually looking forward to seeing him.
As you touched up your makeup, you couldn't help but reflect on your own conflicted feelings. You were married, committed, and yet, Aki had stirred something in you that you simply couldn't stand to ignore. It was confusing, disorienting. You weren't sure what you felt more strongly: guilt for being drawn to him or frustration that you couldn't just let it go.
"Ugh," You groaned, pressing your forehead against the sink. "'M g'nna be sick."
Feeling a bit lightheaded from the drinks, you decided to step outside for some fresh air. You left the bathroom and – completely drunk – maneuvered through the crowds to the nearest door.
The cool night breeze was a welcome relief against your warm skin, and you leaned against the balcony railing, taking deep breaths. The city lights twinkled below, and you watched them in a daze, trying to steady your thoughts.
That's when you saw him.
Aki was just entering the party, his sharp suit and dark hair making him stand out immediately. You felt your heart skip a beat. Then another. He was killing you.
He came, you thought, a strange mix of emotions flooding you. Relief, excitement, and that persistent undercurrent of guilt all tangled together.
He spotted you almost immediately and made his way over. As he approached, you couldn't help but think how painfully gorgeous he looked, the dim lighting casting a soft glow on his features. In that moment, he seemed almost like a knight in shining armor, a figure out of place in the lively, chaotic setting of the bar.
"Hey," he greeted, his voice smooth and warm, a balm to your nerves.
"Hey," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady despite the fluttering in your chest.
"What are you doing out here?" he asked, a slight concern in his tone. "You're not cold?"
He always seemed to be worried about you and the weather. Still, the chill felt nice against your hot skin, oddly enough.
I missed you, you didn't say. You didn't even think about it. You knew that in a day you would be back on the train and all of this would just be a bad dream, anyway.
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips. "No, I just needed some air. It's a bit stuffy in there."
Aki didn't respond immediately, and when you turned your head up to look at him, his expression was unreadable. The noise from inside the bar seemed distant, the world narrowing down to just the two of you in that moment. You felt a tug in your chest, a pull towards him that you couldn't explain, couldn't deny.
"Did you pregame the bar, or something?" You laughed quietly. It felt nice, being able to pretend nothing had ever happened between the two of you and just... enjoy each other's company. "You smell like beer."
"I was having a few drinks with my roommate before you texted me," He answered. Then, looking out onto the street, he added, "He told me I shouldn't come tonight. Said you're driving me crazy."
"So, why are you here, then?" You asked.
He looked at you. "I think you know why I'm here."
There was a brief silence, comfortable yet charged with the unspoken. You glanced at him, noticing the way his eyes lingered on you, soft but searching. It was the same look he had given you in the seminar, the museum, everywhere else, and it stirred something deep inside you.
You hated the way he made you feel.
"Can I buy you a drink?" He asked you. His voice was as deep and rich as ever, and you had about half a mind to take him up on the offer.
You shivered. You knew it wasn't from the cold air. It was him – the smell of him, his cologne, the distinct scent of nicotine that let you know he had just finished smoking a cigarette. It was an aroma so unique to him that you had grown to like it.
You were looking at his lips before you knew it, giving way to a craving you couldn't explain, "I'll try a cigarette, if you have any."
He smiled softly, reaching into his pocket and flipping open a carton of cigarettes and a lighter. He placed a cancer stick between your lips, and you felt a part of you die a little. He struck the wheel of the lighter, bringing the cigarette to life.
You coughed so hard that you nearly hacked up a lung. It had been years since your last cigarette.
Hayakawa stepped behind you, cupping a hand around your elbow, sliding it up your arm, your wrist, your fingers before he plucked the cigarette from your digits.
"First time?" He asked, warm voice hot against your neck.
"Wanted to give it a try," You shrugged. You didn't know what, exactly, had gotten into you. It seemed that with every sip of liquor you took lately, you crept closer and closer back to your old self. The sort of liquid courage that made people make very bad decisions. "Sorry. I'm a little," You waved your hands around yourself, trying to gesture 'drunk' without actually saying it.
"How brave of you," He murmured, pulling a hit from your cigarette and exhaling. He was the picture of sin – face flushed with alcohol, messy bangs, pink lips wrapped around a cancer stick. He was so pretty it hurt.
"I'll try it again when I'm sober," You offered.
"When?" He asked, breathing smoke out into the air. "Where?"
As persistent as always, you thought. Still, you didn't necessarily mind the attention anymore. You told yourself that it didn't matter – you would be out of here soon anyway, and everything would be far behind you before you knew it.
"Why is it that every time I'm inebriated... God tests me by throwing you in my way?" You laughed, Truly, you wished you had considered the implications of your words a little more before you had said them. "Just as I thought your manners had improved since the party. You behaved badly, then. You know that? Very badly," you hiccuped. "You should be ashamed of yourself, throwing– hic–throwing yourself at a married woman like that."
He didn't acknowledge your drunken ramblings, and he also didn't deny the fact that he had been doing exactly that – throwing himself at a married woman.
"Hardly my fault," He breathed out. "I just can't seem to resist you."
"Don't worry," You replied, eyeing him up dubiously as he pulled another hit from what was left of your cigarette. "I'm leaving tomorrow. Won't have to worry about resisting me after that."
"I know," He answered back. "Selfishly enough, I spent the last few hours wishing your train got delayed one more day, or something like that," He exhaled, then snuffed his cigarette out on the balcony, "Still, I'm glad I could see you before you went home."
"I wish I could say the same about you," You replied before you could stop the words from coming out.
He poked his tongue through the inside of his cheek, retorting, "You're gonna sit here and act like you didn't invite me? Like your eyes didn't light up like a child when you saw me pull up?" He turned around, commanding even more of your attention, standing at least a foot and a half taller than you. "You wanted me to come tonight."
It was true. That's the worst part. Everything he said was the truth.
"So that I could say goodbye," You said with remarkable finality, "I'm leaving after this."
You hadn't originally planned on leaving so soon, of course, but you wanted to get the hell out of here before you made another bad decision.
"Already?" He asked.
"You're the one who ran late," You replied. "This ends tonight. I'm going to say bye to everyone else, then I'll be gone."
With that being said, you made your way back to the door. You would go inside, bid everyone farewell, collect your belongings, and then–
He called your name before you could go back inside. You froze in place.
"Am I misreading the signals?" He asked.
You sighed, turning around one last time to clear the air, "This has to stop, Aki. You make me feel like... like I'm guilty of something."
He implored you, "What do you want me to do?"
"Go back to Himeno," You answered, a biting undertone seeping through your words. You were undeniably bitter about the whole situation, and under any other circumstances, you would have tried to be a good sport, but...
Himeno's words were a heavy weight on your heart.
'Don't mess up a relationship with a perfectly good man for Aki.'
'You should leave him for someone who can actually give him what he needs."
You could never be what Aki wanted. He wanted all of you – not just a week of you, clearly. You were married, and you couldn't let all of that go over a guy you'd been toeing the line with for what seemed like ages.
He was a young man. The fact of the matter was that you were a grown woman. A married one.
"She's a sweet, kind woman," You continued. You felt like you were going to be sick just being near him. Unknowingly, tears began to prickle at the corners of your eyes. "Go back and beg her to forgive you. Go be with someone who wants to be with you. Who can be with you."
"No," He answered simply. There was an intensity in his eyes that frightened you, like he would die without you, as he continued, "That's not what you want. I think we both know that. I refused a mission in Hiroshima to stay here with you. I planned to let go of another one in Beijing," He swallowed, "I can change my mind, and you'll never see me again."
"If you have any consideration for me," Your voice was a shuddering whisper, like someone could walk out any minute and hear the two of you going back and forth. "Any semblance– a shrivel of compassion, you'll give me back my peace."
He shook his head, "I can't. You know I can't. You've consumed every inch of my peace, every inch of my mind. How can I give you your peace?"
Fair point.
You had nothing to say to him. So, silently, your vision blurred with tears, you glared at him. Glared and frowned like that would make you believe he was the sole contributor to this issue. Then, again, you turned on your heel and went for the door. You entered the bar quickly.
He followed not too long after you, "I'll go to Beijing, then."
"No." You said. Your teary-eyed fury caught the eyes of more than a few confused bar patrons. "I don't want you to go."
Everyone was looking at you. Seriously, everyone. Your old coworkers, the bartenders, everybody.
You swallowed down your pride, bowing down before them all. "Good night, everyone," You said. You plucked your purse and your jacket off of the barstool. "Thank you for everything. I'm leaving."
Ignoring the confused looks and hushed whispers from the patrons, you exited the bar, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. The rain had started to fall, a soft drizzle quickly turning into a steady downpour. You barely noticed, too wrapped up in the turmoil inside your head. The cold, wet sensation of the rain soaked through your clothes, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. You just needed to get away, to clear your mind.
But of course, Aki followed after you. You could hear him calling your name, his voice barely audible over the sound of the rain. You quickened your pace, almost running, your heels splashing through puddles as you made your way down the block. His footsteps pounded behind you, matching your speed. You couldn't escape him, couldn't outrun him.
Finally, he caught up to you, grabbing your arm to stop you. "Wait, can we please talk?" he pleaded, his voice breathless and desperate.
You turned to face him, rain pouring down around you both. His hair was plastered to his forehead, his suit jacket soaked through. The intensity in his eyes matched the storm, a fierce determination that made your heart ache. You met his gaze begrudgingly, not wanting to deal with this, not wanting to deal with him.
"Have I really been imagining all of this?" He asked. He sounded broken. "Is it really all in my head? Tell me if it's a lie. Tell me to leave you alone. Tell me you mean it—all of it," he paused, taking a shuddering breath. "Or tell me the truth."
You swallowed hard, the weight of the situation crashing down on you. "I don't know how to feel, Aki," you finally admitted, your voice barely a whisper. "I'm trying to be good, but you just keep fucking—popping up everywhere. And you say these pretty things to me, and," You choked back a sob, struggling to find the right words. "I can't help myself around you."
"Running from your problems won't make me go away," he said, stepping forward to put his hands gently on your waist.
There was a long pause as you stood there in the rain, staring at each other. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you. The storm, the bar, everything else was just a blur. You were tired—tired of running, tired of the confusion, tired of pretending that everything was fine when it wasn't.
He added, "You can't run from your feelings."
This time, it was his eyes that dropped to your lips. His tongue darted out to dampen his own, and then his eyes flicked up to your face. When he spoke, his voice was huskier than before, as if it had been tainted by an emotion that hadn't been there before. Was it lust? Passion? Whatever it was, you wanted more of it.
Your eyes widened. Your mouth had run dry. You didn't know what to say. Even being like this right now -- as close as you were, -- was against your wedding vows. This was wrong, and you couldn't do that to your own husband.
Your own husband who loved you so dearly.
Your own husband who left you hanging so many nights on end.
Your own husband, who acted as if he couldn't care if you lived or died.
As if he had sensed your train of thought wandering, Aki placed two fingers beneath your chin, lifting your face up until he was the captor of all of your attention. Him and him alone. Not your husband, but him.
"I could treat you like a princess," His eyes wandered down to your lips again, but this time there was an unspoken hunger within them. "All you have to do is ask, and I'm yours. I already am."
And, God, what a fool you had been in uttering the words, "Don't toy with my emotions. You don't want me."
He paused, awaiting something, anything. His eyes pleaded with your own, luring you in with promises of pleasure and happiness. Gently, he grabbed your hand, placing it over his breast, right above his heart.
"I want you so badly it hurts," He breathed, "For a night, for a day, for a week..." Aki closed the gap between the two of you – brought your faces closer together. Closer, until you could feel the warmth of his calm breath fanning out against your cheek. Closer, until he uttered, "As long as you'll let me have you."
"Aki, I can't-...." You paused. Yet, still, you never moved. Your body betrayed your words, dilated pupils and trembling hands giving way to your internal dilemma. "This is wrong. You know I can't do this."
You were being a hypocrite. You knew you were. One spare glance down at the placement of your hands on his chest -- one over his breast and one looped around his tie -- and you knew he could tell you were only putting up a front.
"I know," he murmured softly, words practically dying beneath the volume of the rain, "But I can't stop thinking about you."
You folded. Your eyes dropped down to his lips one last time, and that's when you knew he had already won.
Fuck it.
"Fuck you," you muttered, feeling a surge of reckless abandon.
Without thinking, you reached out and pulled him towards you, crashing your lips against his in a desperate, frenzied kiss. It was messy and wet, your tears mixing with the rain, your hands tangling in his hair as his arms finally wrapped around you.
The kiss was filled with all the pent-up emotions, the longing, the frustration, the desire. It was passion, it was anger – it was tongue and teeth and lips smearing your lipstick over the lower half of your face. It was two black holes finally colliding after circling around each other far too long.
"I can't make sense of it. I want... you," you sighed, pulling away, voice trembling, "I don't know what any of this means anymore. I don't know what to think."
"Then don't," he whispered, his breath warm against your lips. He tasted like cigarette smoke, beer and mint gum – a flavor so utterly addicting that you couldn't seem to get enough of it. "Don't think. Let me take you back to your room."
You hesitated, the reality of the situation hitting you. This was crossing a line, a line you couldn't uncross. But as you looked into his eyes, saw the same turmoil reflected back at you, you felt your resolve crumble.
You were tired of pretending.
"Okay," you whispered, your voice barely audible over the rain. It was a final, resigned acceptance, the last nail in the coffin of your restraint.
You were tired of running from the inevitable.
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a/n: dont hate me. LMFAOAOAOOAOA. i had to! i absolutely loved writing this chapter and i loved writing tipsy obsessed aki. i headcannon that he's a touchy needy bf and no one can tell me otherwise. i think you all know what happens next. im not sayin nothin tho. hehe. ANYWAYYYYY LMK WHAT YALL THOUGHTTTTT i look forward to hearing it!!! lmk what yall wanna see in the next few chapters/over the course of the story. and if youve already watched anna karenina (or read, in which case... how...) shhhhhh youve seen nothing. muah! x
credits: UNKOWN ATM. I found the cover pic on pinterest unfortch. If you know the artist, please let me know, so I can credit them properly for their work!!! This is NOT MY BEAUTIFUL DRAWINGGG. I obviously do not own csm or anything related to it. please do not reproduce, copy, or translate my works anywhere. dont fk w me im a bruja.
also: come find me on my wattpad if u wanna interact more!
taglist: @mitsuyeahhh , @sleepysnk , @enneadec , @noaabean , @em1e , @drakensdarling , @bertholdts--butt , @satanlovesusall666 , @mitsuwuyaa , @noctifule , @scaraphobia , @ask-the-insect-hashira , @lovingranchturkeyweasel , @bontensbabygirl , @slvdsjjk , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn , @hqtiny , @ohmaiscool15 , @redlittlequeen , @leivane , @goldeneagles-posts , @yeahblahlame , @no-oneelsebutnsu , @cookiesandcreammy , @cawwn , @the-haitani-baton , @littlelovebug98 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @kokos-property , @violetmatcha , @hp-simp505 , @acethebrave , @mitsuyeahhh , @sleepysnk , @enneadec , @noaabean , @em1e , @drakensdarling , @bertholdts--butt , @satanlovesusall666 , @mitsuwuyaa , @noctifule , @scaraphobia , @ask-the-insect-hashira , @lovingranchturkeyweasel , @bontensbabygirl , @slvdsjjk , @novacrystalli , @hanmastattoos , @kodzuksn , @hqtiny , @ohmaiscool15 , @redlittlequeen , @leivane , @goldeneagles-posts , @yeahblahlame , @no-oneelsebutnsu , @cookiesandcreammy , @cawwn , @the-haitani-baton , @littlelovebug98 , @armani78 , @mindurownbussines , @kokos-property , @violetmatcha , @hp-simp505
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hjparisian · 6 months ago
so long, london- remus j lupin x reader
p: remus lupin x fem!reader w: sad, angst, like one or two cuss words, mentions of death s: the deaths of lily and james potter and the imprisonment of sirius black have led to a rift between (y/n) and remus' relationship. both haunted by that one night, it was only a matter of time until one of them left a/n: please bear with me in this as im not super knowledgable about the mauraders era but i hope this is okay! if yall have a 1000 page doc about this era, send it my way
Halloween of 1981 had to have been one of the darkest days in history. Lily and James Potter were dead, killed by Voldemort. Peter Pettigrew, dead, killed by his own friend Sirius Black, who is now in Azkaban.
Remus was still grieving the death of Marlene McKinnon when he found out about what happened to his best friends. He could barely hold in his tears as he held (Y/N) in his arms, who was already sobbing at the news.
The two couldn't believe it. How could Sirius Black sell out his own best friend and his wife to the Dark Lord? How could he kill his friends? Had he been hiding his loyalty this whole time?
The days following James and Lily's deaths were spent in darkness. Remus would sit in the room he and (Y/N) shared, staring at the fairy lights stringed about the walls. (Y/N) would spend her mornings doing tasks for the Order, while at night she would wallow in the arms of Remus.
Just when they thought things were terrible, it unfortunately got worse.
(Y/N) and Remus' good friend Dorcas Meadowes was found dead. Killed by Voldemort himself. Why? They'll never know.
The two were distraught, (Y/N) more so than Remus as she was closer to Dorcas. It appeared that (Y/N) would follow in Remus' own routine, hiding away in the spare bedroom that they used to let their friends rest in when they were over. At nights, she would return to her and Remus' bedroom to shower and sleep.
Remus could hear her sobs during her showers.
As the days went on, (Y/N) had began to accept the fate of her friends. Or she was hiding her true emotions from Remus, who remained a mess at the loss of his mates. Each day, (Y/N) would try to talk with Remus and get him out of the house. Unfortunately, the only time he would leave was during the full moon so not to hurt her.
Remus began distancing himself from (Y/N). He'd wake up earlier than her, he would have lunch before her, he would keep himself locked in the bedroom during the day, wait 'til she was asleep to turn in.
Anything to be alone.
(Y/N) had tried to follow Remus' new routine, trying to catch him whenever she could. Even if she had to wake up earlier than she would, even if she had to stay up later to see Remus join her in bed. Anything she could to try to talk with Remus.
Silly girl.
It became rare for the two to even have a long lasting conversation, let alone a lighthearted, joyful chat. Any words spoken were those of sorrow and anger. The young woman had once attempted to talk to Remus about his mood changing, trying to get him to talk through it.
It ended in tears and slamming doors.
Since that talk, tensions between the two were higher than ever, and not in the way one may think. They began to have more arguments in a month than they ever had in their entire relationship.
Though one argument was not like the others.
"Rem, come on!" She pleaded with him. "You haven't been outside in months! Everybody is starting to assume you're dead!"
"Well let them think that! Everyone I cared or loved is already dead. Anyone who's ever loved me is gone."
"But what about me?" She asked him. "I'm still here Remus. But lately you act like I'm not!"
Remus stops his tracks in the living room. "Sorry that our friends dying has affected me so badly."
"Remus, you're acting like you're the only one affected by their deaths." She says to him. "I'm upset about it too. They were my friends as much as they were yours."
"You never knew James or Sirius or Peter like I did," Remus yells at her. "You never spent most of your school years with them, knowing every little thing about them."
"That doesn't mean we weren't friends and you know that Remus. You're acting like they were the only people you've lost," the woman says. "I lost Lily. I lost Marlene, Dorcas. Hell, have you even heard about what happened to Mary? She's gone missing Remus! They're saying she might've been killed."
"You don't need to remind me everyone that's gone, (Y/N)! I'm more than aware of what's happening and I don't need to be reminded."
The woman huffed. "Well with the way you're locked up here, it seems like it."
"Not everyone can carry on with their lives after finding out someone who was basically like family is dead!" Remus shouts.
"Well, sorry I've been busy distracting myself with work from the Order! Trying to do what I can to help anyone that left!"
All Remus could do was roll his eyes, frustration clouding his emotions. "Why even bother? They couldn't save our friends, now they're gone! You're being stupid."
"Bloody hell, I can't do this. I'm leaving." The boy declares, having enough of this.
Remus stomped out the door, slamming it behind him. All (Y/N) could do was dropped to her knees in tears, exhaustion hitting her. Sobs filled the empty room.
The man fled to the streets of London, finding shelter in a hotel near the heart of the city. He spent a few nights there, getting the space he felt he deserved. Remus had no one to talk to about this, and sitting in a lonely white bed had reminded him of it.
No James. No Lily.
No Sirius. No Marlene.
No Peter. No Dorcas.
No Mary.
He had no one. Except (Y/N).
Oh what an idiot he is.
Remus had let his anger get the best of him. He had yelled at his favorite girl and basically told her to fuck off. What a dick he is. The fight had began to flood his head, reminding him of how much he screwed up.
He had to go find her.
The werewolf quickly left the hotel, determined to return to where he and (Y/N) were last together.
He ran to the streets and waved his arms haphazardly, aiming to flag down the nearest cab. He stumbled inside the next one that stopped for him and told him the address.
As soon as the cab stopped by his house, Remus gave him money and ran to the door. He took the key from his pocket and unlocked their apartment door. He pushed the door open to a silent living room.
"Hello?" Remus calls out. "(Y/N) are you here?"
The young man began wandering through the apartment, which seemed slightly emptier than usual. His bedroom seemed the most off to him. He couldn't have been away that long, right?
A white envelope sitting against a vase on the night stand had caught his eye. 'Remus' was written on the front in pretty handwriting that he knew belonged to his girlfriend. He opened it up to reveal a letter for him.
He sat on the floor against his bed and began reading it. As he read through it, he felt his heart crumbling to pieces. It felt like everything was hitting him all at once.
I've decided it was time for me to say so long to the place I once called home.
As much as I love this place, London, England, I cannot bear being here anymore. All the memories I've made with everyone will haunt me knowing I've been the unfortunate one who was chosen to be alive out of them.
I'll be leaving the country to go who knows where. Anywhere will be better than here. I think I'd implode if I stayed here any longer.
I've also decided to start clean and leave my wizarding roots behind. As much as I loved being a witch, going to Hogwarts and learning magic, I can't think about it without being reminded of what happened. I don't want my past to follow me around.
I'm sorry I couldn't have done better, Remus. I'll miss you, and I hope your life gets better. Hope you find someone better.
The letter fell from his hands.
Remus couldn't believe it. He had lost the last person in his life that cared for him. His whole world was gone, taken from him.
He stood up and shoved the vase to the ground out of anger, watching it shatter. Water ran across the floor under the broken pieces and ruined flowers.
A wave of emotions hit Remus all at once. He didn't know what to feel. There was nothing he could do to change the past.
Poor young Remus. He was truly alone, forever.
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the0p · 21 days ago
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lover boy
fluff, both are idols, mlm, loser activities, rest of txt mentioned
me and kai sat on the hotel room room next to each other, my legs resting comfortably on top of his both of our heads bearded reading comics we bought during the trip. kai originally wasn't one for reading comics with me finding them a bit boring even, but the more I spent time with him forcing him to watch Marvel movies, the more invested and interested he became so it didn't take long before he was joining me in my so called 'loser activities'. the room was silent, only the occasional sounds of pages turning and comic book switches when we finished with one and reached for the next chapter. we both were fully invested, just enjoying each others presence before beomgyu came knocking on our door like a maniac.
"Dude!!! let me in!!" his words loud as we heard a light smack and a wine following. it was obvious all four of them were waiting. I placed the comic down the bed littered with a bunch of them, even some unopened ones on the floor. it was obvious we splurged a bit. I took my legs off kais as he sat up as well scratching a bit as I went over to the door, unlocking it, beomgyu and yeonjun arguing as soobin and taehyun where having a normal conversation. they all piled in dressed up for some reosan.
"we are planning on going out. are you two joining or??" soobin asked, glancing around the room, taking in the mess, knowing we probably wouldn't want to go. I glanced at kai, both of us silently exchanging words.
"Nah, we'll stay." kai said, looking at the four males. yeonjun groaned, annoyed but not exactly surprised as the other three just agreed and left as quickly as they got here.
I lay back down on the bed kai, following shortly after both of us just looked at each other in silence for a bit before braking into a fit of laughter. me and kai were both home bodies, so it wasn't anything new for the others. ofc it had a tendency to be annoying, and we both knew that, but they knew not to push it.
"Did you see how unhappy yeonjun looked?? pure comedy." I said, a smile on my face as I lay on my back at the feet of the bed running a hand through my hair. kai laughed along, nodding. the laughter died down after a bit as we went back to what we were doing before him passing me the one I started and him going back to his. the sun was starting to set already as we've been here for a few hours. I started to feel sleepy, so I moved up a bit, placing my head on kais's stomach, still resting on my back as I closed my eyes. he looked away from the pages, looking down at me as he placed the comic down, running a hand through my hair, playing with the strands.
"Are you tired??" he asked his voice soft and gental. I hummed appreciating the delicate touch. he nodded, understandingly turning off the table lamps that he could reach without making me move, which I found very cute. the room was dimly lit. There was only one lamp that stayed on, which was in the corner of the room, both of us too lazy to get up and turn it off.
the silence was comfortable. peaceful. kais stomach rose and fell as my breathing matched his without noticing. the silence didn't last long as I got a phone call, my ring tone filling the room. I shoot up wide awake now worried it was the manager or something only to see beomgyus name on the screen, making me roll my eyes as I answered it, putting it on speaker.
"hey beomgyu"
"y/n!!!!!" his voice was loud as he screamed into the mic
"Sorry about that he's a bit drunk right now." taehyuns voice came through. I didn't know they went drinking.
"yall are out drinking??" kai asked before I could as he was sat now as well
"Yes. now, if you two love birds wanna join, I'll send you the location. Bye." The line went flat as taehyun ended the call. his words came off so casual. I felt the tip of my ears go red at his words kai obviously a bit flustered as well. me and him never talked about our relationship status. we knew we had feelings for each other, but we didn't pursue each other romantically. I got a text message from taehyun with their location as I checked it, noticing it was only a few minutes away. I cleared my throat glancing at kai.
"Do you wanna go?? it's only a 10 minute walk." I said as he stayed quiet, thinking for a bit before nodding a small smile on his beautiful features.
"I'm down, lover boy." The nickname caught me off guard big time. lover boy? me? he didn't seem to be embarrassed or even thinking too much about what he just said as he got up and went to his suite case, finding some clean clothes to change into.
"Lover boy??" I finally asked as he hummed, looking at me clothes in hand.
"It suits you y/n"
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